Thursday, April 9, 2020

College Student and Doing a Weight Loss Experiment for Final Paper - Beginning a Weight Loss Journey from Being Obese

Hello all,

I am in my final semester of undergrad (yayyy! but booo online and no commencement ceremony). For one of my classes I need to write and experiment essay that involves any type of experiment and writing about the my thoughts about it, the journey, and the outcome. The essay style required is a memoir type essay. I decided to write about a weight loss experiment, as I have struggled with trying to achieve weight loss my whole life. In my high school years I would lose weight in an unhealthy manner. For example, I was in two sports at the same time. One was all star cheer and this was in combination with other school sports like track, softball, and high school cheer. During this time I would eat very few calories (one bite of a peanut butter sandwich, or a few frozen grapes, or maybe a handful of almonds) for the whole day doing two sports a day for about 4-6 hours. I lost a lot of weight this way, but it was unhealthy and complicated my life for a long period of time before I got help.

After going through this period of recovery, I realized I never really learned how to lose weight in a healthy way. I learned how to not go back to eating disordered habits, but I didn't learn how to moderate weight loss. Two semesters ago I relapsed and went back to old habits. I lost a lot of weight quickly (was officially underweight), but then a negative event happened in my life and I stopped restricting and gained all the weight back and then some over the last semester.

I am now officially obese, with a BMI of 31.2 (5 feet, 160lbs, female). I thought about going back to old habits and restricting to lose the weight, but I have decided that I would be more beneficial to lose weight in a steady, moderate, healthy way. I realize that this will be a major challenge for me, since with me weight loss is either extreme or it's nothing. I also thought, since I have to do an experiment for my class, why not do it on weight loss?

So, why am I writing this on Reddit? Because I will be doing two things with this experiment. I will be trying to lose weight in a way i have never done before, but i will also be looking for a support group and seek help on my own instead of help being forced on me (went to inpatient for my ED). Along with my poor eating habits, I also have poor social habits. This means that I am afraid to ask for help, share my thoughts, lean on other people for support, and be authentic with people out of social fear. I will be reading and contributing to this sub to look for inspiration, help, and supporting others and looking for support for myself.

I have a few questions about this sub, as this is my first time with posting on Reddit. Am I allowed to post daily about what I ate, how I am doing in my journey etc.? Other questions I have are do you have any suggestions or input on this experiment or how I should go about it? Is there a better place I could get support or am I in the right place? I do have a fitbit and will be tracking my exercise that way. I have a treadmill in my house and some exercise equipment and I think i should be doing a mix of cardio and strength training. Any ideas on how or what I should do in regards to anything I mentioned? I'm looking for any feedback or input on this experiment.

TLDR; Doing a weight loss experiment and writing about it for a final paper. Looking for feedback on anything, how to do it in a healthy way, any suggestion or thoughts really.

Thanks if you read any of this :D

submitted by /u/Kaeriil
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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