Thursday, April 9, 2020

Eating under 1200 calories (short inactive female)

Hi all, this is my first post not really sure what to expect but I’m 5ft0 120lbs female and I’m trying to lose around 5-10lbs that I’ve gained during my time at uni. I’ve calculated my TDEE to be around the 1450 mark using online calculators (selecting the sedentary option) and my BMR is around 1250 calories. At the moment I’m quite literally in bed for the most part of the day or say at my desk at my bedroom working (currently got a broken ankle from sports so most intense exercise is out the window oops) so I’m really not expending that many calories.

Now the online calculator I used (tdeecalculator dot net) says that for weight loss I should be eating 900 and something calories which I won’t be doing as I think I would go insane and that just sound way too low but I was wondering if it would be safe for me to eat something more like 1100 - 1200 calories a day to lose weight? I’m always hearing advice to not eat so little because it’s dangerous but I really am very short and at the moment very very inactive! Has anyone got any experience or advice with my situation? Just a bit at loss at what to do to lose these few pounds

Thank you!!!

submitted by /u/orangelily13
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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