Friday, April 24, 2020

I'm not giving up!

Alright, I'm ready for an update.

My last post was really messed up, I was feeling very low mentally. But I decided that I can't give up on weight loss because I don't want to give up on myself. I want to share some things, which helped me getting back on track, maybe they can help somebody else.

1) acceptance. Yes, I made a mistake and lost my progress and willpower, but it is not the end of the world. The best I can do now is understand why it happened, how it happened and learn this lesson.

2) weight loss is not a temporary thing! This is new lifestyle. You can't lose weight and act like you did before. It seems obvious and I knew this during my last weight loss attempt and felt like I understand it, but I really didn't. I feel like I subconsciously waited until I lose weight and then I will live happily ever after in my new body surrounded by chocolate and candles. Nope. I will not. I mean, of course I can eat it, but in accordance with my maintenance caloric intake. You need to find new balance with your body, food and daily activities.

3) start over. set a new goal. Last time I posted I was feeling like I screwed up and I will never get back. But, what I really did was achieving my goal and that's all. I wanted to lose weight, come home and surprise everyone with my magical transformation. And I did it. But I never thought about my life after that moment. So I can't blame myself for screwing up because I didn't. I achieved what I wanted, but I had no idea what was going to happen next.

4) understand what is going on in my head. My BED came back to me after almost a year remission. It was scary and also contributed to my desperation. I've started reading "Never Binge Again" by Glenn Livingston, but it didn't work for me. However "Brain Over Binge" by Kathryn Hansen was just what I needed. Right now I feel more comfortable with my urges, I know that I have power to finish this once and for all.

Those are the main steps that helped me with my mental state. So, what I'm going to do now:

1) 1200 kcal per day, trying to achieve my macros as much as I can, but caloric deficit is the priority.

2) 1 hour on elliptical every day to achieve my daily activity goal without leaving my house.

3) work on my relations with food and exercise to make them permanent.

4) concentrate on my master thesis, I will have to submit and defence it eventually 😅 I feel like this will be the hardest part (:

And for all of you who are on the journey right now: we CAN do that! I know that. We just need time, support and determination.

Time - you have all your lifetime ahead of you.

Support - this subreddit is a good place to be during bad times.

Determination - this is your part. Ask yourself why do you want to lose weight and stick to it. And always remember, no-one can do this for you. This is only your decision, and once you've made it, you can do it!

submitted by /u/Strange-Marzipan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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