Sunday, April 12, 2020

I'm so close to my goal. Why have I lost my drive?

Hi all,

After struggling with my weight for as long as I could remember, I decided to make a post here asking for advice. It's been almost a year since then, but lately I've started to feel as though I'm back at "square one" with my attitude towards weight loss. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

For several months I felt like I'd finally gotten it. Something had clicked in my head and I knew I was going to lose weight. Between August and December 2019 I lost around 50lbs through exercise and the CICO method. It was the most I'd ever managed to lose, and at my lowest weight I was only about 20lbs away from my goal.

Then I took a short break over Christmas. Since then I've been stuck in a sort of plateau. I've been logging my weight weekly and for the last 5 months I've been fluctuating between 169-178lbs. I haven't started to gain again, but I also haven't been losing.

The thing is, I know what I need to do. I understand how CICO works and I know how many calories I need to be eating. My budget at my current weight is just under 1500 calories a day. But all of a sudden I just can't stick to it! Every day I start out with the best intentions, but 9 times out of 10 I'll end up overeating.

I'm proud of myself what for what I've achieved so far, and you'd think being so close to my goal would be a major motivation... but it just isn't. I don't understand what's changed and I'm starting to get really fed up.

Does anyone have any advice?

submitted by /u/illumillama
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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