Monday, April 6, 2020

Maintenance Monday: Looking Forward

Reached your goal weight and in need of a space to discuss your maintenance journey with others who have gone or are going through similar experiences? Welcome to the weekly Maintenance Monday thread, for weight loss maintainers! Whether you're new to maintenance and don't believe your TDEE can be that high or wondering how to increase your calories, you've been around a while and want to get advice during times of struggle or the holidays, or if you're keeping on as normal, this place is for you! (If you're losing weight, community threads are posted daily and weekly, linked in the side bar, as well as the daily US and European 30 Day Challenge.)

Wherever you are in the world right now, whether you're social distancing, self-isolating, or quarantined, times are weird and changing. One of the reasons people may be tempted to comfort eat was discussed really well on this r/xxfitness thread:

I consumed upwards of 4,000 calories every day and put on a few lbs, so I scheduled an appointment with my counselor to talk about what was going on. We were talking about why I do this and she asked me, "What else did you do this week?" My answers were, "I studied, I picked up extra hours at work, and I crammed for finals." She asked if I'd hung out with friends. Nope. Called my parents? Nope. She asked what fun things I'd done, and I couldn't think of one thing. Then she said, "Is it possible that eating is the only thing you do for yourself?"

With so many options of things you might look forward to or do for yourself being reduced if you don't already have the means - books to read, games to play, yarn for knitting - or off limits entirely - going to the cinema, theatre, gym, library, cafe, hiking, playing sports, watching sports - what things are you doing for yourself during this time so that you don't slide toward the high end, or out, of your maintenance range? And what things are you looking forward to doing again in the future, once social distancing measures are reduced or lifted?

Anything else on your mind pertaining to maintenance? Is your diet going effortlessly, or have the last few weeks been more of a struggle? All questions, remarks and worries are welcome topics of conversation!

Previous Maintenance Monday threads can be found here.

submitted by /u/satisphoria
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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