Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Ultra-processed foods, hormones, and genetics

I'm not sure if this kind of content is permitted on this sub, so apologies if I've broken any rules.

I read an article recently titled Ultra-processed foods make us eat more, and it’s not about their nutritional makeup that I thought people on this sub might find interesting. Basically, an NIH researcher conducted a study where two groups were housed at the NIH and given nutritionally identical food (calories, macros, nutrients, etc.) over the course of two weeks. One group ate largely unprocessed foods, while the other group ate mostly highly-processed foods. Everyone in both groups was provided with 4,000 calories of food each day, and was allowed to eat as much or as little as they wanted. No surprise, the processed food group ate more than the unprocessed food group, with the former gaining 2 pounds in 2 weeks and the latter losing 2 pounds during that time. So you can potentially make things much harder on yourself when trying to lose weight depending on what kind of food you eat.

There was also just a NOVA episode on tonight called "The Truth About Fat" which discusses the current scientific consensus on fat, weight loss, metabolism, etc. Fat is a complex organ that interacts directly with our brains and is necessary for survival, and researchers are continuing to learn more about variables that change how our bodies store fat, how fat actually functions in our bodies, and how those interactions can change based on those variables.

The article and the episode both gave some interesting perspectives on weight loss/gain and the role of fat in the body, and were nice reminders that 1. being overweight is not a moral failing (nor is fat inherently "bad" in any way), 2. in fact, the ability to store energy as fat is actually an incredible survival tool courtesy of evolution, 3. you can be overweight but not necessarily suffer the typical negative heath effects associated with obesity (see the segment on sumo wrestlers), and 4. that while CICO is the weight loss rule of thumb, there's more nuance to it than CICO implies. But I'm sure you all knew all of this already. ;)

TL;DR: Article and show episode that I wanted to share. Best of luck to everyone on their weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/-flameohotman-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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