Saturday, August 8, 2020

Extremely frustrated at losing weight loss momentum but trying to stay positive

Last year I hit a wall at work, it was my second year as an attorney and I just was overwhelmed and stressed, literally could not have felt worse. I decided I had to change that though, and a coworker suggested I try Soul Cycle, which I initially dismissed due to the cult-y vibe I’ve always gotten from them.

To my surprise, I loved it (we also tried Rumble and Orange Theory, but Soul stuck)! I got really into it and it made a HUGE difference. Not just the weight loss, but I believe in buying into things if you’re going to bother doing it and the whole good vibes and pump up aspect of the classes helped enormously with work. Between November 2019 and March 2029 I lost 15 lbs, going from 160 to 145 (I’m 5’4, 160 is overweight but 145 is not bad. Ideally I’d be 135-140 but it’s more size for me). Clothes were fitting better and overall I just felt like finally I’d found an exercise program that worked for me.

Then bam. COVID. Obviously all the gyms and classes closed, and I kept debating and debating a Peloton, but didn’t want to commit to such an expensive purchase. Kept thinking that things would ease up and the gyms would reopen. But then my local Soul announced it wouldn’t be reopening. So I caved, I bought the peloton. At this point I had been staying with my parents or ordering out a ton due to trying to avoid the grocery store (I know, I know). I had ballooned to 167. Thats the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life. I was really excited to get back on my grind, not just with the Peloton but also with my food choices.

Two days after ordering the Peloton I went horseback riding and got thrown off the horse. I got up but it was the most pain of my life - which makes sense because it turns out I shattered my L1 vertebrae. So now, here I am, on bedrest, literally unable to do anything in terms of exercise, I can’t even sit right now. I’m able to take 10-15 minute walks now which is great, but the pain is honestly crazy. As yet the fracture is stable so I do not need surgery, but that could change. The chance I could destabilize it is real, so I am taking the bedrest orders so seriously. I’m coming up on the fifth week of this. Recovery as a whole will be months.

So I’m back at my parents, I can’t get to the kitchen or cook so I’m eating all my meals in bed, my parents have been great about cooking and taking care of me, but it’s still a really shit situation. I have to be positive in front of everyone just because that’s who I am, but ultimately I’m just really frustrated. I finally got in a grove after years of extreme weight loss due to illness followed by ballooning back up. With SoulCycle I felt like my weight loss was healthy and in my hands, plus I loved it. I was hoping Peloton would be the same. But now I’m looking to a recovery that could keep me from really exercising til January.

But - I have a glimmer of hope. It’s hard to know what I weigh because when I get out of bed I have to wear a brace, but with the brace on, I’m 162 lbs. I think I’ve lost about 5/6 lbs while on bedrest. Probably partially stress but it’s almost entirely portion control! I have practically no access to food without my parents (I can’t get down to the kitchen but it’s really painful) and my mom has been super supportive of helping me not snack and be mindful of portion sizes.

So I am frustrated. It’s hard being sidelined like this and between quarantine which feels like it’ll never end and this injury, which also feels like it’ll never end, I’m just feeling so defeated. But I am trying my absolute hardest to hold onto my little 5 lb victory! It’s not nothing! And it does show that food has the biggest impact on weight, rather than just exercise.

I’m hoping someone else has a similar story or even ideas of how to stay on track from bed. I am overweight right now, ignoring the numbers I can feel it, and I’m aiming for 135 - 140. I don’t know if I can do it from bed but I’m going to try!

submitted by /u/xmgm33
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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