Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Had a bad cheat day? Here is what to do...

Maybe this weekend you went overboard. You were consistent for 5 or maybe even 6 days this past week, but then Saturday night rolls around and the pizza boxes are ordered in. So you binged. And you ate past satiety. Okay, no problem, you are going to be back on track tommorrow right? A few thousand calories cant hurt....but oh no...you gained 5 pounds in a day :o

Well the truth is, it takes just as long to lose weight as it does to gain it. No, you didnt actually gain 5 pounds of fat. Theres roughly 3500 calories in a pound, so even if you did a 10k with the boys(or the girls), that's still under 3 pounds. And that's not even subtracting your maintenance or digestion. But still, how do you recover from a binge?

1) dont skip any meals the following days. It will make you feel even more hungry and make you want to binge even more. Just try to eat normally but mindfully. Maybe cut back a few calories here and there, but nothing crazy.

2) drink a lot of water. Sure, you may want to try to limit bloating, but water will help clear some of that excess "bad stuff" from your system

3) dont freak out with the scale. Trust me, your months or years of hard work cant be undone in a single night or even a day. Theres a lot of factors that make our weight fluctuate. Dont become fixated on a number. Instead, be fixated on how you feel!

4) USE.YOUR.CHEAT.MEAL. okay so you binged. But dont let it go to waste!!! You can use it to your advantage. You can train harder in the gym, go longer, faster, better than last time! At the end of the day, food is fuel, so you can use those extra carbs to get in a few more reps. Dont take it easy, instead perform your best! I'm not saying to try and burn off those excess calories because that is very unrealistic. I am saying to *perform better * in your workouts. This will give you an overall better feeling, and you will be motivated! The goal is to be healthier and stronger, so dont get so down if the scale says otherwise for a few days. And trust me, if you are consistent, the weight will come off. This also dossnt mean to go out and binge every weekend to "perform better", but you can use this tip at a moment of weakness.

If you consistently feel the need to binge, then maybe you need to find a different diet that is better for you. The goal isn't fast weight loss, it's a healthier life style that naturally will get you to a healthier weight. Sustainability is key!

submitted by /u/rey4_0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3g9AJOO

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