Sunday, August 16, 2020

How i realised i will always be sucessful at losing weight while my mother never will.

Last night was very illuminating to me as to why some people will just never lose the weight they want.

First some background. I am a 18 year old 5'4" man (yes i realise i'm short). April 6th 2020 I weighed 77.3kg (around 170lbs) according to the BMI scale i was near the top end of the overweight category. I'm starting med school this year so its fair to say i've done some research into obesity and the obesity epidemic in the UK so I know the risks. This started me on my weight loss journey which composed mainly of eating good healthy unprocessed food and moving more (walking, dancing, bodyweight excerises, pretty much anything available to me during quarantine). I now weight 60kg (132 lbs) and have an ugw of 55kg which places me nicely to the lower end of the healthy range. I don't reccomend that weight for everyone but its where i'm going to be happy to maintain at.

I should also say i used to be an excellent home cook and have had to relearn how to cook in ways that won't cause me organ failure in the future. This has resulted in me now cooking twice a night, once for me and once for my family. I'm not complaining about this, in fact i enjoy the challenge of using similar ingredients to produce two vastly different dishes.

Over the past month or so my mother has been getting more interested in losing weight after seeing my progress. She joined weight watchers against my advice (I think WW is good for people doing it alone but my mother literally has a 1 to 1 weight loss coach in her house right now) and started of steady for a few weeks. She does very little excersise and refuses to push herself in the little she does do. This is maybe her 10th unsuccessful attempt in 15 years. For refrence she is around 102kg (224lbs) and my height.

Tonight something happened which proved to me she will never lose it.

I believe you have to really cut down on sugar and fat (the bad stuff) to start to appreciate the taste of natural food (the good stuff). And so i've been trying to reduce the sugar and fat in the one meal a day i make for her (not as much as my food but definitely a significant amount). I still make sure its tasty to her as i want her to enjoy food and not see it as the enemy.

She really likes asian inspired food at the minute and really likes japanese dumplings so i decided to make fresh dumplings lots of oil free stirfried vegtables and noodles with broth. Its a delicious meal and low calorie too.

She comes home from work and i ask her if she still wants to eat dinner tonight, she says yes so i get to work. She then swiftly shuts me down saying she's going to get takeaway instead.

I am stood there with really delicious healthy food and she still chooses the unhealthy (and expensive) option. It was literally more effort to pick up the takeaway. I was pissed. If she can't lose weight when i'm putting in all the effort for her she will never lose weight. She will put in no effort for her health and so i'm not putting in the effort for her either anymore.

Weight loss takes effort, don't waste my time coaching you and making good food if just going to ignore it.

submitted by /u/mitchellsmith012
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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