Wednesday, August 5, 2020

I finally reached 15 pounds lost!

I’m a 26 year old female, 5’3, SW: 230 CW: 215 GW: 140. I’ve been lurking here since I started this weight loss journey (so 7 weeks now). I wasn’t planning on posting this early in my journey but I’m just so excited right now.

I started gaining weight in college, as soon as I started birth control. I thought it was just a coincidence but the thing is, for my 8 years on birth control, my insurance covered the generic version so every 3 months my birth control would change. My body never got used to any form of regulation. It fucked me over so much and I ended up gaining 90 pounds by the end of college.

I have tried so many diets and weight-loss plans over the past 8 years. I downloaded the Lose it app about 7 years ago and every year I tried to lose weight by counting calories, being mindful of what I’m eating, and exercising. At most I would lose 5 pounds after 2 months of trying, every single time.

This year, I stopped using birth control because my husband and I want to try to start a family, and omg the difference being off of birth control is incredible! I’m actually seeing results now! It has been 7 weeks since I started this round of weight-loss and today I finally lost that last half pound to bring me to 15 pounds lost!

I must admit that another aspect to my success so far is finding this subreddit. I’ve learned so much from lurking here and I feel I finally understand the CICO concept. This past week I finally started to utilize CICO and IF, and I’ve gotten past that stupid plateau! I have been more successful this time around and it feels so good.

To be more specific, this past week in addition to counting calories, I calculated my BMR to see how many calories I burn by just existing (just over 1,650 per day). From there I subtracted my current calorie budget (1,450) to get a deficit of 200 calories. This means I would need to burn an extra 300 calories in order to reach a daily deficit of 500 calories. Having a deficit of 500 calories per day (3,500 for 7 days) is like an almost definitive way to losing at least 1 pound per week. So by doing this calculation I can more easily monitor and track my progress on how close I am to losing a full pound. I hope this part helps for those wondering about the purpose of calorie deficits, but if it needs clarification let me know!

Also, yesterday was a huge NSV for me too! My husband and I were out running errands and he wanted Wendy’s. I decided not to get ANYTHING. Not even fries or a frosty (my weaknesses). He got some food for himself and we headed home, where I made myself a fucking salad! I’m so proud of myself for that!

Also also, back to talking about birth control and weight gain, ladies if you’re struggling like I was for so long, it might be worth it to talk to your doctor and see if you can try a different form/brand of birth control. I know my issue was it constantly changing but I know some people don’t realize the birth control they’ve been on for years is causing some weight gain as a side effect.

submitted by /u/Megzor06
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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