Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Rant: Stop telling me to ditch the scale!!!

Listen, I get the sentiment: the scale isn’t the best way to measure weight loss by a long shot. The way you feel, the improvements in your workout, the increase in stamina, your clothes getting looser, your measurements getting smaller, your sleep and mood improving, those are all indicators that your healthier lifestyle is working.

But it’s still frustrating when the scale won’t budge. And don’t tell me that I’m probably jUsT gAiNiNg MuScLe... because I know. There are a million factors that play into weight. Menstrual cycle, water retention, salt intake, time of weight measurement, all that. I’ve heard it. I know it. I live it. The scale doesn’t matter that much, but it still matters! And it’s still endlessly frustrating that it doesn’t budge after a month of consistently working out (mixed cardio & body weight exercises) and eating at a calorie deficit (whole, nutrient rich foods). The weight loss will come if I stay consistent, but it’s still frustrating.

At the end of the day, at the end of my journey, I still need to be at a healthy weight. And telling me to ditch the scale doesn’t help me with that. A scale is a tool for measurement. Five years ago when I first tried to lose weight, I DID ditch the scale. And guess what? I didn’t lose any weight because I WASNT DOING IT RIGHT. The people who told me to ditch the scale didn’t help because all that did was help me ignore the signs that I wasn’t in a calorie deficit, and it was a waste of time.

I’m on this journey to be healthier, more confident, build habits to lead an active lifestyle, but I’m ALSO here TO LOSE WEIGHT! And if I stay overweight, I will have failed (even if I built a whole boatload of muscle in the process).

So yeah, it’s great advice not to totally rely on the scale, but realistically, the scale can be a helpful indicator of whether or not you’re making progress toward your WEIGHT over time. So stop telling people to ditch the scale!

submitted by /u/piexe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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