Sunday, August 2, 2020

M28 5'6" 250+ and time to change

Hey, this is my first time really posting on reddit, but I definitely need some help I'm struggling to find anywhere else.

Coming into highschool i was 200+ and left around 210. I always wanted to join the military but couldnt make the weight restrictions, when I finally did and went to the recruiter they had dropped the limit even further. Discouraged and 3 months out of highschool, I left the recruitment office feeling that the past 6 months of work to lose 4% BMI was in vain because they wanted me to lose another 6% or so. My parents were no help here either because they pushed me to get a civilian job and give up on my dream.

A couple years later I moved out but was struggling to pay rent and went hungry frequently thus dropping down to around 180. When I moved back in with my parents I blew up around 210 in no time.

I've hovered around there for a while but a couple years ago I got married. While on honey moon my wife and I ate out for every meal and I put on another 10 to 15 pounds before coming home a week later. I was doing decent dropping it, getting around 200 just by counting calories and what exercise I got at work as a cable tech, but then we had a baby.

While pregnant, my wife was complaining about getting so big while I was losing weight; I know she didnt mean to make me feel bad but I gave up my diet and put on sympathy weight. It worked out for her when she shat out 20-30 pounds almost over night between the baby, and and all the weight that comes with it, meanwhile I was stuck with the weight I put on.

My doctor has been on me about my fatty liver and I was getting bouts of tendinitis when my arms and hands were positioned funky for more than a few minutes, that seems to have gone away though. Recently I left work to care for the baby in the wake of the pandemic but will hopefully be coming into a new job in HVAC soon.

My wife is an army veteran and we've talked about me enlisting a few times and recently again. I want to be a 91F/small arms and artillery repairer but that brings me back to the weight issue. I spoke to a recruiter over text today and found that, for my age and height, I need to be under 173 pounds or 28% BMI when I told him my current weight he never responded, very discouraging again.

My size has never bothered me and I'm pretty comfortable in my skin for the most part, but stepping on the scale and seeing more than 250, and knowing that, that is what stands between me and what I want to do has me messed up.

Im ready to lose it. I need to get down and do this for me but I dont know how. My wife is very supportive and wants to lose weight herself. We ordered 10 day cleanses from advocare, because shes used their products and likes them and I figure thats a great first step, but I know, that's dipping a toe in the pool of weight loss I need. I've talked to my sister who's had a lot of success with keto and she's with me as well but I dont know enough to do this for as long as I need to. I know dieting wont be enough where im at but I already know it'll be a big step.

Ever since I made the decision I've been looking at my eating habits and realizing I am my biggest obstacle. I just wish I knew how to do this and stick with it. I understand that keto isn't very healthy once you stop but I plan to not stop until I hit basic training and let the suck take it from there.

Currently I have the bottomless pit effect on food and can just keep eating to the point that afterwards I step back and think, wow that was a lot, but I like almost everything and can live without a lot of soda. I know I can use this to my advantage by sticking to healthy food but chosing the healthy food is my problem. With a baby, too often we pick what's easy, fast food or frozen pizza, fry this or that, pasta with sauce. Salads are few and far between but i enjoy them as well as raw fruits and veggies.

I just dont know what to do after the cleanse and I don't want to waste it. Last time the wife and I did one it was a 24 day package and came with a meal plan chock full of does and don'ts. I'm not sure what to except this time with the smaller package. Then going into a keto diet after, I know I'm ill equip for that part.

So this is me, step one, trying to figure it out, reaching out for help. We ordered the cleanses today so I guess cleanse day 1 will be the real day one but im a little anxious and want to get more knowledge insted of flying blind into this and scrambling to figure it out.

submitted by /u/OniRedFang
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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