Wednesday, August 5, 2020

My 3 month plan to change my life (month 2)

Rated this post NSFW due to my progress pictures being a bra.

(prev post; )
So this is month 2 of 3 of changing my life-style habits.
I am just going to repeat that this is not something I do to loose weight quickly - and well it shows lol

My goal for July was to;
Eat food - not candy, for every meal.
Start walking every day

and I can say I smashed at least the 2nd one out of the park. A goal for August, was to cut out energy drinks and chocolate bars, they where what I reached for when I was stressed out - but since I started walking, the craving for energy drinks and chocolate just kinda dropped off after 2 weeks, so I have been almost 3 weeks clean now!

This might not seem like a huge deal, but I've had either an energy drink, or a coca-cola every single day, since the day I turned 15, so that is 14 years of habit to break, and it just suddenly didn't appeal to me anymore. It for sure helped that I did some math and I realized I spent almost $200 a month on a habit I didn't need. (so thank you sugar tax)

For meals, eeeh it was a little harder. I definitively ate dinner almost every day, and I snacked a lot on fruit. But my calorie intake went from about 3k a day, to plummeting to 900-1200 a day - simply because I was no longer filling it in with junk. I was able to eat very good (and calorific) dinners at my sister's house about once a week though, so that helped. And I now have a working fridge and freezer in the new place so I plan on furthering this step in August when I also start meal-prepping. since I am a convenience queen of habit, I think I will eat better when I have something healthy prepared. My goal was and still is around 1500 pr day, since i think that is a sustainable amount for weight loss at my activity level. And then I can increase it when I am more active, or want to maintain (maybe 1700)

I also joined the lose-it challenge, and by that I was introduced to the Hairy biker's recipes and boy and boy is there a lot I want to try! Trying my first one tomorrow when I have some friends over after the move :) (pandemic safe measures in place)

My mini-failure; I don't like the word failure, but a 3 day binge on a chocolate cake might at least count as a temporary one!
I was at 85kg (187lbs) and I was down to 83 kg (182lbs), but after my chocolate cake binge I didn't weight myself until the 3rd of August (surgery date) and I was back up to 85. So no progress there.

Progress picture;

Honestly not much changed, other than the background. But I do think I look less bloated - and I think that is since I no longer drink fizzy drinks. I hope that I will be able to see more changes in the future.

I planned on doing meal prep this month and so far so good. I am broke AF currently (that $1 in my bank account life lol), due to moving last week, and also my co-pay for the surgery, but I hope to get that cash tomorrow so I can start properly. My walking have been replaced with sleeping now too due to the leg - but I still manage to get up and hop around and clean around the house, so it's not completely sedentary.

Next month my plan was to start exercising more, and I need to figure something out for that one now, as I have been completely banned from any high impact activity on my leg for the next 6months. so that includes jogging, jumping etc. I could in theory swim, but I do not want to swim when I still have an open hole into my ankle joint where all those nasty bacterias can get into it lol. I'll see if I can get a physiotherapist to drop me some tips. So yeah, that was my very boring update. I am a person of taking it slow and steady - so I can't compete with the massively different progress shots on here lol, But I do believe I am finally on the road to a healthier life-style. one where I take better care of myself at least.

submitted by /u/Pinewoodgreen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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