Thursday, August 13, 2020

No longer obese - first mini goal achieved!

I was one of those annoying people who could eat and drink what they wanted and stay at a normal weight as a teen/young adult. Then I had kids and oh body did NOT want to lose that baby weight. 7 years and many failed diets later, I hit the 200 pound mark in the scale. But this time I've finally been consistent for a long enough period of time that the weight is actually coming off! I've never lost more than 10 pounds in the past before I cave and revert to old habits. I think this is mainly because I tried things like Weight Watchers that, while they worked, I was miserable and found it to be very restrictive. This time around I've been using Noom - well, sort of - their food tracker is not great, but I've found the psychological piece to be very helpful in terms of figuring out how to make changes that will actually stick, and how to still be able to treat myself sometimes without reverting to old habits or binge eating the treats.

My big difficult change is that I was basically a Mountain Dew addict and I now only drink it maybe once a week. Other smaller changes include switching to whole wheat bread, switching out some old regular lazy meals to lower calorie choices (apple slices instead of Colby cheese cubes, turkey instead of peanut butter, etc.), and not keeping things in the house that are an occasional splurge - works much better to give myself an ice cream treat if I go out and get a cone from a local ice cream parlor than if I have a gallon of it in my fridge.

So yeah - I still have work to do. My next mini-goal is the halfway point of my weight loss, which is only about 12 pounds away. But I'm very excited to no longer be considered obese according to BMI charts!

submitted by /u/whateverreddit88
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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