Monday, August 3, 2020

None Food Rewards for Meeting Tagets

I restarted my weight loss for the hundredth time last week and remembered an old tip I was given from one of my first (and most successful) attempts. The tip was to put a pound (or whatever unit of currency you use) in a jar for each pound you lose. Once you reach your target you can spend the jar on whatever you like to reward yourself.

I know I have a long way to go and would like to motivate myself during my weight loss so I've decided to change it slightly. For every pound I lose on the scale I can spend a spend on something I want each week. The only rule is that I can't buy food as a reward. This week I'm spending my reward money on pretty mugs that are basically bowls with handles. They should be good for all the autumn/winter soups I'm going to be making.

Just thought I'd share if anyone was looking for ideas to celebrate their/reward themselves for their progress.

How does everyone else celebrate their progress?

submitted by /u/Dazzy_Bot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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