Monday, August 24, 2020

Starting many Day 1's can one person have?

Female, 29, 5'7, highest weight 337, current weight 325, goal weight for now is 299, ultimate goal weight is between 180-200.

Morning y'all. This post is a difficult one to make. I'm on the edge of 30 and firmly on the wrong side of 300 lbs. I have struggled with weight my entire life - literally, when I was born my aunt told my mom she shouldn't breastfeed me so much because of my "chunky" thighs. I was put on my first diet at 9 years old. Around age 11-12, that same aunt would feed me half-portions of dinner then make me swim for at least an hour to burn it off. In high school I was in marching band, which is very physical, and would restrict myself to a single piece of fruit all day. Suffice it to say I have never had a healthy relationship with my body or weight loss. Ironically, when I finally told my doctor about my severe restrictions, he callously told me, "well, you're too overweight to be diagnosed with an eating disorder".

Now I'm at a crossroads. I started binge eating in my early 20s to cope with stress after my mom was diagnosed with brain cancer and I had to move back home to take care of her. Mom's okay now, thank goodness, but I'm still dealing with the aftermath of my choices. I gained over 100 pounds due to eating mostly fast food, and a lovely combination of depression, anxiety, and just general I-don't-wannas kept me from exercising. I know what needs to be done - CICO, food scale, etc. - because I've done it before. I HAVE tried to lose weight, but it's never stuck. I've always fallen back into my binge eating ways.

My husband and I have been married almost 3 years and we want to start a family; however, I am so overweight that I fear a healthy pregnancy would be unlikely. As I'm nearing 30, that fear is compounded. I know it will take quite some time to lose what I need to lose. I know it will also take time to establish a HEALTHY relationship with weight loss. So here's to Day One, again. Any inspiration, tips, tricks, helpful hints, memes, cat photos, or encouragement are always welcome.

submitted by /u/GayApparel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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