Saturday, August 1, 2020

"The weight started falling off" HOW?

"The weight just started falling off me"

"I was dropping sizes so fast that I couldn't afford to buy new clothes for every few weeks"

"I was losing weight too fast"

I see these so often on here and other weight loss blogs and honestly, well I'm truly super happy for ya'll, it makes me want to shrivel up in a ball of frustration and cry.

I just don't get it. I cut my calories down quite low (below 1200 since I had my BMR tested at a doctor and it's a bit lower than it should be for my size) and I'm meticulous about tracking. So much so, that I basically only eat pre-portioned foods with the calories written on them, because even with my food scale I don't trust things where I don't have a set calorie count. I need to make sure I'm not going over. I've been working out everyday (with the exception of 8 days total), for 3 months now. I started at 30 mins the first two weeks, then I jumped it up to 60 minutes and the past month I've done 90 minutes.

The weight loss is not noticeable. I have not dropped clothing sizes. Nothing is 'falling off me'. Where is my miracle moment that gives me a burst of motivation to keep going???

A few years ago I dropped from 260 down to 200 and, again, no major changes. Nothing so much where I would or could make a claim like the ones at the top of this post. The weight loss was hardly (or not at all) noticeable to anyone that didn't know I was dieting, I stayed in the same clothes (they were a little looser but not definitely not enough to make me need new ones or to say they were 'falling off me'. Pants that fit snugly when I started now fit comfortably) and taking bi-monthly pictures of myself, I could hardly see any difference between them. Because of this, I ended up burning out. I had put in all this constant willpower and strict dedication and work for nothing. I just gave up because I had no motivation left to keep going.

Am I alone? Does anyone else feel this way or have a similar experience to this? I just don't get it. From the posts I see on here, I feel like I'm some sort of anomaly. Three months in, my clothes should be "falling off of me" and they are not.

submitted by /u/hernemes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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