Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Thought I was hitting a plateau. Turns out I've been getting lazy in quarantine.

Hi everyone! I'm Cheryl, 30 years old, started at 240lbs, goal weight is 135, current weight is 177. I've been on my weight loss journey for exactly one year now, doing CICO and working out 5-6 days a week, in preparation for a breast reduction surgery. For a while I was losing a pretty consistent 1-2, even 3lbs per week. But in the last 4 months or so, I've been noticing a slow down. It seemed like my weight was dropping at a slower rate, and my body measurements haven't been dropping as drastically, either. Well, in the past two weeks I've actually gained 2lbs, and when I did my body measurements this past time I'd only lost .5 inches in 8 weeks. I'd actually gained an inch or two around my torso. So I was a bit frustrated, to say the least.

So I figured it was definite proof that I'd hit a plateau, right? I knew it was bound to happen eventually. Well, I decided to look through the data I've been recording in Cronometer for the past six months to get a better idea of what I've been doing. I exported it to excel and created a chart with a trend line so I could actually see what was going on. Lo and behold, the trend has been going up. Six months ago I was eating closer to 1500 calories a day. Now I'm consistently eating closer to 2000. Turns out being stuck at home for months on end with constant access to food hasn't exactly been good for my weight loss. I want to blame COVID, but I know better. I've been allowing myself cheat items, a bite or two (or three) of ice cream here, a sip of someone's fancy Wawa drink there, a spoonful of Biscoff cookie butter, 'as a treat', and they add up. It's no big deal if I'm a hundred calories over budget occasionally, but those 'bad girl' days have become far more common than my 'good girl' days, and they've been a lot more than just a hundred over.

So at least now I know why I've been hitting a snag. I need to tighten things back up and not allow myself those cheat bites. I have a deadline to lose the weight by March 1, so I can't afford to keep eating like I am now. Hopefully I can get back on track and maybe even get below my goal weight so I can be right about where I want to be after a few weeks out of commission.

submitted by /u/HolaCherryCola90
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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