Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Uncomfortable Around Weight Loss Community/Talks

I hope this doesn’t offend anyone because you guys are great and all doing much better than me. I’m looking for some help here

I won’t bore you with my how I got fat story. But I’m very fat 6’3 and 300lbs. It sucks to say that, but on the plus side it does make a few good jokes around friends.

I want to lose the weight badly but whenever I look at weight loss articles, before and after pics, diet pages it feels like some kinda mental torture. I feel disgusted with myself and always feel some type of weird way about the person who lost weight for some reason. I never am able to see these people as inspirations like so many of you are.

Most people talk about being overweight like it was the worst thing that happened to them, maybe that makes me self conscious since I am currently overweight.

I’m able to enjoy non-typical active things like basketball, kayaking, hiking, football. But when I goto the gym it has to be late at night so that nobody sees me.

My weight loss attempts haven’t really been working, Ill make progress then cheat and totally fall off the wagon losing whatever progress I made.

Even with friends who are dieting, working out etc, I’ll never admit that I’m also actively trying to lose weight.

I’m like this with other problems as well, I try to fight through things solo. Maybe this is why my weight loss attempts haven’t been going great so far.

Would love some opinions/help

submitted by /u/cudderwalks
[link] [comments]

from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2E4gXYe

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