Monday, September 6, 2021

The post-cheat day weight loss phenomenon

I've seen many people on here discuss losing weight after having a cheat day. No one seems to have a definite answer as to why this happens (I'll be honest, I haven't look into any studies). I noticed this myself just the other day and it got me to start thinking about it. On a normal day when I'm feeling excessively hungry or want to binge, I will instead drink water/diet soda in place of the food. If you think about it, 1 liter of water weighs 1 kg. That's 1 kg of weight you're putting on just by drinking the water; that's more weight than you would put on by eating 2 family-sized bags of Doritos. I'm not normally someone who has a high level of thirst, so the only reason I drink as much as I normally do is to temporarily satisfy intra-meal cravings. On cheat days, I don't feel the need to drink excessive fluids in place of food because I don't have restrictions on what I eat.

I feel like the weight loss that occurs the day after cheat days can be attributed to consuming less total weight than you normally would (i.e. high calorie-dense foods and drinks). The difference is, the stuff you are consuming on the cheat day sticks around, whereas the low calorie-dense foods don't. Does anyone else feel like this might be an accurate reason to explain post-cheat day weight loss?

submitted by /u/sapphireskyz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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