Monday, November 12, 2018

Small goals are being reached!

So I’ve decided to make a change for the better. I’m sick of always feeling like crap, so I’m making an effort to be healthier and lose some weight. I knew one of my biggest challenges was going to be cutting out soda. I would have one or two every day, even though I would feel sick afterwards. I was just addicted to the taste and the caffeine. I know giving up soda would greatly help my weight loss. Today marks 2 weeks without a soda. It’s a very small thing, but I’m proud of myself. I’ve never gone that long without one. I crave them so badly, to the point where I need to talk myself out of going out and buying one, but I’m sticking with it. I’m hoping just a little longer and the cravings won’t be so bad. It’s the little things that are encouraging me.

submitted by /u/Cosplaybaby29
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It's OK

So I started this weight loss campaign about 2 years ago. Flirting with it without ever really giving it my all. Anyways, that changed when I stood on the scale one day and it read 212lbs. That was it. I had always told myself no higher than 190lbs. But 190 came and went and that new goal was now never higher than 200. Well then 200 came and went and the new goal was 210. Well boy, did I break that one too.

Then suddenly I realized I was 22lbs over my max weight that I had set myself a year prior. Well then I started being serious about the calorie counting. I told myself a 500 deficit a day was doable, and it totally is. I knew I would have good days and bad days, and that as long as I didn't let the bad days add up back to back to back, I could push through! I wanted to not make any too drastic of a change such as gym every morning, or an unrealistic calorie deficit that I knew I wouldn't be able to keep to. So 500 a day was doable.

Well I've been doing well the last 4-5 weeks. Got myself down to 204 and making progress but then this weekend came and for whatever reason, I just fell off the wagon.

I ate an entire box of christie chocolate chip cookies (that's like 120 calories a cookie x 25 cookies) in one evening while watching tv. Then the Saturday, I ate an entire bag of kettle valley green yogurt and onion chips (god damn those tasty chips) and then on Sunday, I had a double cheeseburger and a junior chicken from McDonalds. Now let me tell you, I felt like CRAP. There went the entire diet. I was probably up 10lbs, and I hated myself. I was re-evaluating everything, maybe I SHOULD make a drastic change in my lifestyle...maybe I should start getting up SUPER early to work out before school, etc.

But then I took a step back, hopped on the scale and low and read 207. Not NEARLY as bad as I thought it would be.

So what I really wanted to say here is IT'S OK.

We all have a bad day, or bad days, or bad weekend, or even a bad week. It doesn't mean everything is over. Just hop back on the train and get going with it again in the morning. This is a journey and if you can't adapt to a slight setback like a bad weekend, then you need to re-evaluate because it means it's not sustainable what you are doing! So pick a plan you're comfortable with and can keep up with, and one that will afford you the occasional setback. Don't try and do this for a deadline, because chances are that added pressure will dis-encourage you. Do it for you and just keep trying!!

submitted by /u/raybeezzz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: This time last year, I wore XL pants. I just bought M sizes of the same pants!

Hey! So as the title says, I've gone down two sizes within a year!

HOW I DID IT: I started calorie counting February 2018, and I lost 6kg in 3 months. My XL pants became too big, so I bought L ones which fit me just right. I slowed down on the weight loss after this, partly because I hit a plateau and got so discouraged and partly because I got tired and lazy (a.k.a just eyeballed the calories, exercised sparingly and relied more on biking instead of commuting by train). But I still continued to lose, albeit really slow. And now, it's November, and my L pants were falling down if I don't wear a belt. So I went to the same store (I love Uniqlo pants ok) and tried on the M size and THEY FIT! Admittedly, there are still rolls off the sides, but they're not obvious unless I'm seated down. And I think buying them will actually motivate me to lose the last five pounds that I need to achieve normal BMI.

Anyway, this is such happy news for me, and I wanted to scream it to the world. I've been in this weight loss journey on and off for FOUR years! And this has been my biggest achievement of yet. When I started this journey, I wore XXL pants, and I never even imagined fitting into M pants. During those years, I would have been satisfied with wearing an L! And look at where I am now!

Please send me good vibes so I can crush the last five (or ten) pounds that I need to lose!

To everyone who's struggling, let's move together! We can do it!

submitted by /u/melukia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Goodbye junk food, Hello spin bike. NSV

Yesterday I went to a birthday party where there was a mountain of free pizza and cupcakes. The only contact I had with the temptations was to help haul them from the truck to the beach.

Instead of stuffing my face, something the Old Me would have done, I burned calories by pitching in to set up and playing with the kiddos that needed adult supervision.

I feel good about that, and I feel even better today because my spin bike arrived. It was a pricy investment, but it was something I felt compelled to do, especially given the air quality in california due to all the smoke from the fires.

When it comes to exercise, I’ve realized that I need to set it up so it’s as frictionless as possible. The Old Me would use any excuse to get out of exercising after the initial burst of motivation died off. Driving half an hour to the gym— gas is too expensive and my car anxiety is too much to overcome today. Go for a walk— I’m not willing to tackle the mountain dubbed Mount Agony I live on. Last time I climbed it 3 days in a row, my foot arches needed months to recover. Time to hit a treadmill— it’s too loud and it hurts my knees, besides, I’d rather be watching TV...

Some of these excuses may have been valid, but the Old Me had no persistence. The Old Me would have folded my hand and hopped on the couch to indulge in my vices at the first sign of resistance.

To make matters worse all my hobbies tend to be sedentary. For example... I freaking love TV. Entertainment is one of the biggest pleasures in my life. So this time, I decided to turn my love of movies and series into an asset for my weight loss journey. I specifically chose a piece of equipment that was fictionless to my needs. This was my criteria: 1) Something I could do without leaving the house. 2) Quiet. 3) No motor or batteries. 4) There couldn’t be anything blocking my view of the tv— like a large display interface. 5) Something I could do mindlessly yet is challenging.

A spin bike seemed to check off all the things. Plus it’s fairly portable which was bonus points. The goal I’m working toward is to burn 500 calories throughout my daily TV binges. That adds up to 3,500 calories a week which most of you know is 1 lb. Its a very good feeling knowing I’ve got this exercise safety net for the inevitable occasions in which I cave and slam down a double baconator. Because let’s face it, there will be those days and I’d be setting myself up for failure by thinking I’ll eat perfectly for the rest of my life.

Anyway, so far I can only seem to ride 2 miles at a time before I need a break. But that’s ok, because I got to write a sweet Reddit post about these positive decisions I’ve embarked on. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a bike ride and an episode of 24 to get back to.

P.S. movie and tv series recommendations would be greatly appreciated (preferable no subtitles— I don’t think I’m at a riding & reading level yet)

submitted by /u/AggroSquid
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss & hormones: anyone else’s menstrual cycles go bananas with weight loss?

Heyo I’m in the process of finding a gyno to make sure all is well, but in the meanwhile I’m wondering if others have experienced this!

I’ve always had normal cycles, clockwork 28 days, until about 3 years ago when I started having 50-70 day long cycles with light short bleeding days.

Things returned to normal whenever I’d lose some weight and/or exercise. No PCOS, and my previous docs always just said, “Well, you know the solution, so...”

Unfortunately mental health & food addiction are a royal binch—but fortunately I’ve realized my diet and exercise habits are far more under control than my genetic predispositions to mental health issues!

So I’ve lost 30 pounds.

But now, it’s like the pendulum has swung all the way to the other extreme!

I’ve been bleeding almost 2 months straight, at times super heavy but luckily almost no cramping, my mental health issues are on like brain volume 6000, and my cycles seem to be running 25-28 days based on my mood & bloating fluctuations.

I’m suspecting it’s my hormones re-balancing. But dang. This is really cramping (lmao) my style and good lord do I want my minor semblance of mental stability back.

Has anyone else experienced this or some other type of hormonal madness with weight loss?!

submitted by /u/saturnsrevengebody
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice on how to come back from a bad week?

Hi guys! This is my first post here but I’ve been lurking for about a year now. This sub has been instrumental to my weight loss journey, and I’ve finally gotten to the point where I want to reach out for encouragement and advice.

Over the past year and a half, I’ve lost about 75 lbs going from 219 to the low 140’s. I feel much better mentally and physically, and it’s honestly one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. At the beginning, I just loosely kept a running track of calories in my head and that worked for a long time, but when I needed to get more strict I started counting calories in myfitnesspal. My ultimate goal is between 125-130, which at 5’5” I think I’ll be really happy with.

However, this last week has been brutal. Things have been hard lately. College isn’t easy for me and with depression and anxiety on top of that, some weeks just feel like hell. Over the last 10 days, I’ve gone over my calorie limit 6 times. Last night this came to a head when at 1 am I stuffed myself with almost anything I could find until I was about 1,000 calories over maintenance. I’ve never really been the type of person to have binges, and I understand that it’s a really serious problem for people that do. But I think last night was the closest I’ve ever come to one.. I knew logically I should not be eating, and some of the stuff didn’t even taste that good after the first bite, but I just kept going. It’s like I was watching myself do it but didn’t care enough to stop.

How do I continue going forward? What should I do to not let this bad week turn into gaining weight back? I’m really desperate for advice from people who have been there, and overcome it, because this is my first time dealing with this.

I feel myself wanting to eat like shit again today even though I went crazy last night. I really want to stop it in it’s tracks but I feel like all my usual defenses (drinking a lot of water, intermittent fasting, raising my calorie limit by a little bit, etc) aren’t working 😕

Thank you so much for any help you can give me and sorry if my post was annoyingly long!

TL;DR: How do you recover from a bad week when you feel yourself start to slip into old habits?

submitted by /u/lychee-soda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat