Monday, November 12, 2018

It's OK

So I started this weight loss campaign about 2 years ago. Flirting with it without ever really giving it my all. Anyways, that changed when I stood on the scale one day and it read 212lbs. That was it. I had always told myself no higher than 190lbs. But 190 came and went and that new goal was now never higher than 200. Well then 200 came and went and the new goal was 210. Well boy, did I break that one too.

Then suddenly I realized I was 22lbs over my max weight that I had set myself a year prior. Well then I started being serious about the calorie counting. I told myself a 500 deficit a day was doable, and it totally is. I knew I would have good days and bad days, and that as long as I didn't let the bad days add up back to back to back, I could push through! I wanted to not make any too drastic of a change such as gym every morning, or an unrealistic calorie deficit that I knew I wouldn't be able to keep to. So 500 a day was doable.

Well I've been doing well the last 4-5 weeks. Got myself down to 204 and making progress but then this weekend came and for whatever reason, I just fell off the wagon.

I ate an entire box of christie chocolate chip cookies (that's like 120 calories a cookie x 25 cookies) in one evening while watching tv. Then the Saturday, I ate an entire bag of kettle valley green yogurt and onion chips (god damn those tasty chips) and then on Sunday, I had a double cheeseburger and a junior chicken from McDonalds. Now let me tell you, I felt like CRAP. There went the entire diet. I was probably up 10lbs, and I hated myself. I was re-evaluating everything, maybe I SHOULD make a drastic change in my lifestyle...maybe I should start getting up SUPER early to work out before school, etc.

But then I took a step back, hopped on the scale and low and read 207. Not NEARLY as bad as I thought it would be.

So what I really wanted to say here is IT'S OK.

We all have a bad day, or bad days, or bad weekend, or even a bad week. It doesn't mean everything is over. Just hop back on the train and get going with it again in the morning. This is a journey and if you can't adapt to a slight setback like a bad weekend, then you need to re-evaluate because it means it's not sustainable what you are doing! So pick a plan you're comfortable with and can keep up with, and one that will afford you the occasional setback. Don't try and do this for a deadline, because chances are that added pressure will dis-encourage you. Do it for you and just keep trying!!

submitted by /u/raybeezzz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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