Monday, November 12, 2018

Advice on how to come back from a bad week?

Hi guys! This is my first post here but I’ve been lurking for about a year now. This sub has been instrumental to my weight loss journey, and I’ve finally gotten to the point where I want to reach out for encouragement and advice.

Over the past year and a half, I’ve lost about 75 lbs going from 219 to the low 140’s. I feel much better mentally and physically, and it’s honestly one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. At the beginning, I just loosely kept a running track of calories in my head and that worked for a long time, but when I needed to get more strict I started counting calories in myfitnesspal. My ultimate goal is between 125-130, which at 5’5” I think I’ll be really happy with.

However, this last week has been brutal. Things have been hard lately. College isn’t easy for me and with depression and anxiety on top of that, some weeks just feel like hell. Over the last 10 days, I’ve gone over my calorie limit 6 times. Last night this came to a head when at 1 am I stuffed myself with almost anything I could find until I was about 1,000 calories over maintenance. I’ve never really been the type of person to have binges, and I understand that it’s a really serious problem for people that do. But I think last night was the closest I’ve ever come to one.. I knew logically I should not be eating, and some of the stuff didn’t even taste that good after the first bite, but I just kept going. It’s like I was watching myself do it but didn’t care enough to stop.

How do I continue going forward? What should I do to not let this bad week turn into gaining weight back? I’m really desperate for advice from people who have been there, and overcome it, because this is my first time dealing with this.

I feel myself wanting to eat like shit again today even though I went crazy last night. I really want to stop it in it’s tracks but I feel like all my usual defenses (drinking a lot of water, intermittent fasting, raising my calorie limit by a little bit, etc) aren’t working 😕

Thank you so much for any help you can give me and sorry if my post was annoyingly long!

TL;DR: How do you recover from a bad week when you feel yourself start to slip into old habits?

submitted by /u/lychee-soda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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