Monday, November 12, 2018

Why does my coworker keep trying to make me eat sweets?

I posted a little about this before about a month and a half ago and there's been a couple other occurrences and I don't know how to handle it or if I even should say anything. I don't even know if this is the appropriate sub to be venting about this on, but I think it might be because it may be a possibility that this coworker is trying to sabotage my weight loss. Either that or she's just a pushy person...

The office I work at has regular potlucks that I don't participate in. There's a certain coworker who acts deeply offended when I don't eat her desserts. I'm allergic to nuts and chocolate, and on the first few occasions, her desserts included them, so I was able to get out of it that way. But at the last potluck, she brought in pineapple upside down cake specifically so I could eat it. I appreciated her thinking of me, but I never asked her to do that. And if she had asked me first, I would've old her not to because I really wasn't interested. But she did anyway, and kept trying to pressure me and guilt me into eating it and acted deeply offended when I repeatedly declined.

Last week, she went to Wendy's for lunch and came back with a frosty for me. I told her "I don't want that." Then she started whining and went off on this tangent about how I never eat the things she brings in and told me to "just eat it," sat it on my desk and walked away. I asked a couple other coworkers if they wanted it and they said no, so I threw the frosty away, which is a waste, but again, I never asked for it! Then just this morning she came in talking about how she'll be bringing in a lot of baked goods since the are holidays approaching. She'll specifically be bringing in a ton of Christmas cookies and told me that I'll need to eat them because she hates left overs.

I really don't know what the deal is. I thought it was sweet in the beginning, but now I find it super annoying. She's actually pretty mad at me for not eating the sweets she insists I have. I don't like being pressured to eat things, especially things I never asked for in the first place. I don't mention my weight loss journey every day, but she knows I'm on one. I can't tell if she's trying to sabotage that or what. Even if I wasn't trying to be healthier, I still wouldn't want the things she brings in because I'm a picky eater. From what I can tell, she's not nearly as pushy with my other coworkers, but then again, I guess they're more likely to eat whatever she brings in. Maybe she just doesn't like to be told no. Either way, I want the pestering to stop, and I'm not sure how to get her to understand and respect that.

submitted by /u/corksncoffee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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