Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Went from obese (250 lbs, 5’10) to a relatively healthy weight at 165 lbs, yet things still seem wrong.

Hi, I’m 19 and I’m a guy, over the past few years I’ve been losing weight slowly, meaning I mostly just cut out some bad foods and sugary drinks and exercised a tiny bit to lose all my weight. Yet things still seem so wrong, I’ve obviously lost weight and thankfully I took before and after to compare, however what I physically can see is that I still have a lot of fat, all around my body, I feel like I’ve just lost mass if that makes sense. I still have a fat chest and a stomach, my legs are still fat but worst of all my face is still fat; I just don’t know when to expect results now, I’m coming to the end goal and it’s frustrating that I have so many friends at similar weight (150-170) and don’t look fat one bit, their faces are defined and they don’t have too much if any fat around their body. What am I doing wrong? Would the final parts of shedding the weight loss be the easiest? Any tips on what I should actually do, it’s kind of really demoralising, and now I’m a uni student I’m only eating like a meal a day due to money issues which is fine but still not losing any fat anywhere, wtf!!!

Ultimately, I’ve been fat since 14, I’ve not been able to see what I can look like skinny post puberty, I’m scared that my face will be chubby and round forever because of what I’ve done to my body over the years, when I was skinny 7-9 years ago when I played a lot of sport I had a very defined face, anyone make light of what I’m saying? Would appreciate it 😂

submitted by /u/stevenlad
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Video] Whenever I'm feeling down about the whole "weight loss" thing, I just watch this

For those of you who like a little bit of self-deprecating humour, I figure I'd share this with y'all. It's my go-to video for when I have one of those days where I weigh-in expecting to be down and instead have gone up, or when I look in the mirror and wish things were going faster. It's a good reminder that these things take time, and wait for things to work out.

For me as well, it's a little more potent because my weight loss journey started from a similar place :)

Also, there's a little bit of swearing and some light adult themes, for those of you who may be watching with younger viewers around


submitted by /u/coeltic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How did you deal with the: "If I wanted to lose weight I could, it’s easy." mindset of others in your life?

I’ve lost weight over the last six months but really kicked my ass in the last month. I’ve dropped 40 pounds in total and 14 of those has been in the last three and a half weeks.

My mom has been overweight all my life. She gained weight while pregnant and never lost it again despite being skinny as a child/teenager/young adult. She, and my dad, set my sister and I up with some good eating habits and some really shitty ones.

My family has been really vocal and supportive of my weight loss and my mom jokes that she’s picking up the weight I’m losing. I know that until she’s ready she won’t lose weight. I also know that what she’s eating is why she’s put on a lot of weight in the last year or so. What I don’t know how to do is deal with her mindset of "it’s really easy to lose weight! If I wanted to I could totally lose it!".

I feel like I’m over reacting when I get annoyed at hearing things like this. Sure, CICO works, but it’s not that simple. I haven’t lost 14 pounds in the last three and a half weeks by just watching what I eat. I’ve spent an hour in the gym every single day. I kick my ass every single day. I’ve earned every damn pound I’ve lost and it hasn’t been easy. It hasn’t been a magical unicorn ride and I’m fine with that, that’s my consequence for being lazy and binge eating for years. It’s just irritating that people can be so supportive and then turn around and make it sound like it’s such an easy thing to do. Like we don’t all work our butts off.

How do you deal or respond to people like this?

submitted by /u/yeahnahhhyeah
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Super disappointed with saggy, excess skin on my neck.

F/5'3"/SW: 307lbs. CW:135lbs. It took me about 22 months to achieve my goal weight. Restricted caloric intake to 1200 per day, worked out 4-5 times per week, consisting of hiit and strength training. In clothing, my body looks very fit, without clothing, I look like a deflated balloon. It could be worse, but overall I've accepted it and can deal. What I never anticipated was the effect of the weight loss on my neck. It resembles a dulap or turkey neck. I hate it so much. I can't hide it with clothing, so it's always visible and it makes me feel so unattractive. It's becoming such an issue that I don't want to be seen. Can anyone relate? How did you deal with it? Thanks for any advice.

submitted by /u/CherryTomato212
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 20 pounds and i’m finally starting to be comfortable in my own skin

In a span of a month I lost 20 pounds. Perhaps a little drastic.

Some background: I have always been average. Always maintained the same weight but during college I slowly started to gain weight and it became harder to keep it off. Fast forward 4 years, I was at my heaviest, 176lbs. In my mind I wasn’t that fat. I was still “okay.” It isn’t until you see pictures of yourself that you realize just how big you’ve gotten. You see yourself in a completely different lens.

It hurt. I ate even after I was full. I was winded after eating! Ridiculous. I decided enough was enough. I hated adjusting my shirt when I sat to hide my fat. Hated passing a mirror and seeing how bloated I looked. Worst of all I hated my face. My ugly crooked teeth and my double chin that I had given myself.

I made up my mind to invest in braces, in myself. I needed my wisdom teeth extracted before I could start my journey. A week of pain, discoloration, and looking so swollen you could mistake me for a chipmunk. I could only tolerate drinking an excess of water and some occasional oatmeal for a week. I was starving. The next two weeks I spent more time cutting up my food into small pieces than actually eating it.

Then came my braces. I had all the luck. Some people are able to eat like before just after a week. But I was on a soft food diet for a month. I lost weight SO fast. My face slimmed down. My old jeans fit. No more muffin top! Best of all my body was getting used to eating smaller meals! Braces helped me cut all the sugary snacks I would eat throughout the day. Any snacking I considered were immediately shut down because the process of rinsing, flossing, and brushing afterwards, were just not worth it.

I am continuing to watch what I eat and have even begun to work out to tone down further. I can’t wait to get my braces off and feel confident in myself. I want to be carefree and not hiding in shame.

I’m sorry if this wasn’t the usual workout weight loss. I’m just so happy! I couldn’t believe the scale when I weighed myself. I don’t fear the holiday weight gain because I don’t crave sugar like I used to and if I do indulge my braces remind me to slow the fuck down because it’s not worth getting cavities :)

submitted by /u/aabxo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

After failing so many times I am starting my weight loss journey again. Need your advices.

hi guys, i been struggling with my weight my entire life. I am 35 and weigh 340 lb which is INSANE! I am no longer a normal functioning person anymore because of my weight. I cant walk for more than 2 minutes without my lower back being in pain because of my huge belly. I have to shop at big and tall now because no store has my size 3xl - 4xl (Canada). I am pre diabetic and will be diabetic if I don't stop soon. I constantly feel hot when everyone else are cold because probably i have high blood pressure because of my weight. I tried getting in shape so many times and only once few years ago i was able to get down to 250 and felt amazing but then met my wife 4 years ago got married and gained all the weight back plus more!! My wife is also becoming over weight because of me. All we do is eat watch tv and eat. I work from home so i am always sitting on my couch with my laptop working, eating and watching tv. I need help! The reason i am telling all this is to see if someone can guide us. I desperately need to get in shape or I will get serious health issues. We are planning a baby soon and i want to be healthy for my kid. I always start and end up giving up within a week. Its like my motivation doesn't exist and I have no discipline. I know I can do it though because i quit smoking 2 months ago and now I have to change my eating habits.

I checked my TDEE and it says that I need to eat 2500 calories to maintain and 2000 calories to lose 1lb a week. I am gonna be cutting few things from my diet completely such as white rice, bread, pasta, milk, candies, chocolates, fast food, fried food and processed food. I have a HUGE sugar addiction so i have to deal with that as well. I will use erythritol instead of sugar if needed. I will eat brown rice for carbs and veggies. I will start by walking every morning as much as I can and in evening lifting weights (something i can still do without problems). What are some of things you guys do to keep in track and stay focused towards the weight loss goals? What are the main triggers that you guys try to avoid? For example tv is a huge trigger for me, if i am watching something i need to snack on something. So i think i will have to limit my tv as well. Any advices guys will be much appreciated.

submitted by /u/sbnesis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat