Thursday, November 15, 2018

target weight reached this morning

Not really a milestone compared to some greater achievements i read here, however today i hit my goal weight in exactly 5 months. I'm 35M started @81KG in July, didn't know anything i only assumed that if i lowered my intake i should lose some weight. after a month of diet crashing and water weight loss, i hit 75KG. From that day i started reading and researching about weight loss, then my focus shifted to fat loss (i lost muscles in the crash diet) then stumbled on r/loseit and r/fitness among other online websites.. Started with a tdee spreadsheet calculator, bought a food scale (from this point onward i looked ridiculous to my wife and family) then started tracking, i started at 1800 calories, was losing a bit then aimed for 0,5 KG/week loss, started strength training. I only hit a weight gain for 2 weeks since i was away for work so a lot of eating out (nothing too compromising 0.5kg in 2 weeks) resumed tracking and gym. Today i'm @ 68.1 KG, i only put 68 as a motivation was only going for 72-74KG as that was my average weight for the past 15 years and only deviated this year. At 72KG i noticed a i still had a lot of fat so i continued cutting and as of today i'm 12% BF i'm planning to end my cut by December first and i shall be at 67KG..Everyone can do it, old,young, obese, overweight, male , female the principle is simple, the motivation is key.

submitted by /u/swsko
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m stuck in a never ending cycle of losing but then gaining again

I’m 24 years old and 5’4 and today I weighed 192. I WAS down to 182 a few months ago after an all time high of 194.

While I do think this weight is showing after a fairly dense meal last night, it doesn’t change the fact that I’ve been slowly gaining again.

It seems ask though it’s impossivle for me to lose weight on anything above 1300 calories, but surely at my weight my BMR is higher to maintain bodily functions? SURELY it takes more than 1300 cal to maintain this weight, so why is it that eating 1300 took me literally 6 months to lose 10 lbs.

I’m an active person. I work at a gym and have been hitting my 10,000 steps. Before that, I still did cardio and lifted weights.

I find that those 10 pounds came off when I was running two miles several times a week. That’s rhe only cardio that really gets me sweating. But.... isn’t weight loss from a diet? You can’t outexercise bad eating.

I’m just really frustrated and this is very obviously a lifelong battle and I’m just tired of looking at food and gaining weight. 1300 calories doesn’t feel sustainable to me. For someone who is active on their feet, feeling hunger for extended periods of time leads me to a binge.

I just don’t know where to go from here. I feel like nature is fighting against me to just be fat.

submitted by /u/anonymous_anxiety
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Research Reveals the Top 25 Superfoods

Busy Week? 11 Piping Hot, One Dish Meals

I FINALLY broke 70 kg!!!

I feel absolutely ecstatic. When I was at my heaviest, at 95 kg, I thought the days when the scale would start with 8 were well past me, and that I’d have to cut off a leg for it to ever start with 7.

But today after about 5 and a half months of weight loss, I stepped on the scale: 69.7 kg. I couldn’t believe it. It started with 6. A damn 6.

Never in my dreams did I imagine that I could be that light. I’m almost as light as my dad, who’s a good bit shorter than me and fairly fit. I’m lighter than my cousin, who’s about my height and people call him skinny. I’m in my third year of college and yet I’m lighter than I was in 6th grade.

Before I started losing weight, my life was pretty terrible. My grades were awful, I didn’t talk to my parents much, and I’d spend all day playing video games. The only happy moments of my life would be when I’d order and eat food. But the joy of sculpting a better body, the joy of knowing I’m gonna live longer and better, the joy of knowing I can achieve something if I put my mind to it far, FAR, surpasses that.

I still have a good bit to go before I get my goal body though, and I’m glad. I love being on this journey. I love sharing things with you guys, and learning things from those of you that have lost many times the amount of weight I have, as well as those of you just starting out like I was a few months ago.

This is truly a milestone for me, and though I’m nearing the end of my weight loss goal, I’m only beginning my fitness and health journey, which is gonna last the rest of my life.

submitted by /u/tenamonth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Started to change my life a week ago - am I doing this completely wrong?

And I kinda know the answer. I woke up a little over a week ago and had enough. After years of being extremely unhealthy, lazy and not giving a fuck, I decided enough is enough. It began this summer where I really started to walk a lot, and despite that I still ate the "late night"-McDonalds or drank a lot of soda. I assume, since I can see that due to my height and weight, I need around 3000 calories, that I kinda maintained, kinda not, since I ate and drank all that crap.

Since tuesday last week, I've been drinking a bit of milk, and a LOT of water. Actually, it has helped me a lot. I tend to go less frequent to the bathroom and I have been sleeping a lot better. According to Samsung Health, I have slept 7 hrs 40 mins daily compared to 5 hrs 50 mins the weeks prior. Maybe it's just placebo, again i have no clue.

I've been IF'ing (Intimitient Fasting) and I have a 2 hours window, mostly around dinner time where I eat. I've been having small portions, and been eating better in terms of not filling it with crap that is bad for your body, but vegetables. I told someone about IF, and was told it was bad and stupid. But to be honest, I never eat breakfast. I often ate some frozen, processed crap for lunch, a big dinner and snacks at night, but after switching over to only eating dinner, I feel fine. I don't feel dizzy, I can concentrate and i feel fine.

Here's the problem, I THINK. First of all, I've been having issues eating. I don't know if its my head that is messed up. I read a lot about weight loss, and I talked to some people about what I do, and I never seem to figure out if i am doing this right or wrong. But i have been eating around 1000 calories each day, at max. THIS is a problem, as far as i can tell. But i feel so bad when I crave some fast frozen procssed lasagna or a piece of something something.... I have been eating a bit of fruit during the day, and some some rye bread.

I am having difficulties counting calories, but i think i've gotten the hang of it. And i'm not bullshitting the numbers. I have eaten a lot less. I don't feel different, I don't see a difference, i can see the weight has dropped, obviously, because of water.

A buddy offered a glass of chocolatemilk last night after i had 7km walk, and i knew I had been eating 900 calories, and I still turned it down. I feel so guilty, but due to my heigh being 188 and weigh around 135kg, I should've respect the calories.

Help me.

OH, and while we are at it. What ways are best to lose body fat? I have been squatting a bit, and was thinking of buying some weights to support it. Is biking good? Also, I walk a lot, walk stairs, cardio etc, yeah.

I'm really confused about this. I don't know what I am doing. I actually do not miss sugary drinks, fast food etc. - water is actually fine, I just need to balance this out with my fasting. It's been 19 hours since I last ate, and I still feel kinda full after work and walking.

EDIT: Yes i have been reading the faq for this subreddit. I kinda want clarification.

submitted by /u/ThisMayBeMike
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: November 15th

Hi losers and maintainers, welcome to week 3 of the challenge. How are you doing today? So here’s a question, what are your food strategies for the holiday season? Have you changed how you celebrate holidays with food as a result of going on this weight loss journey? Good luck today everyone!


For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. Anyone and everyone is welcome! Tell us about yourself and your goals and join us already :) And it's all more fun when you comment on each other's posts, so let's encourage each other too!

And on to the accountability's your day going? Let us know how you're getting on with your goals, if you have any questions, need to vent, have a SV or NSV to share, etc. And feel free to just have a chat about how your day went! We got this :D


I’ll start: Another night of normal sleep for me, yay. I’m out early at the allotment since I was able to get a ride here and will stay until lunch time. I’m going to be weeding/clearing a few more areas and building new beds and paths hopefully. Then I’m prepping for my phone call. Then I can finally relax! Catch you all later, have a great day everyone!

submitted by /u/HadeanEarthWorm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat