Friday, November 16, 2018

Weight Loss Tips And Help

Hey all, I hope you are doing well.

My name is Ryan and I have recently joined this group provide some help HERE...

Today, I decided to make a “7 Day Challenge” Where I’ll bring as much value as I can to this group, and I’ll try my best to answer every question!

- And here is exactly what will you get:

👉 Day #1: Your Mindset | Things you need to know before you start your journey.

👉 Day #2: 30 Ways to stay motivated.

👉 Day #3: How to lose weight FAST? | Based On Science.

👉 Day #4: How to burn fat by walking? | The Easiest Way.

👉 Day #5: How to lose belly fat?

👉 Day #6: 10 COMMON mistakes when trying to lose weight!

👉 Day #7: FREE EBOOK: The 50 Weight Loss Tips That Help You Lose Up To 5 Pounds a WEEK!

- Why am I doing that? Your success is my success, I passed through many difficulties and obstacles to reach my goal and all I want is reducing your time to hit your goals by sharing my own experience.

- What do I need from you? Liking and dropping some comments below will make me so happy, and push me to give more and more value!

- So are you ready for this 😉?

This is all I got for today! Thanks and have a nice day.

Stay Tuned For The Next Post,


submitted by /u/Ryan_Go
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: November 16th

Hi everyone, happy Friday! How are you doing today? I have a question not related to weight loss but I might as well ask do you get over fear of failure? It’s really messing with my head and not helping with my interview anxiety either, so anyone got any tips? Good luck today everyone!


For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. Anyone and everyone is welcome! Tell us about yourself and your goals and join us already :) And it's all more fun when you comment on each other's posts, so let's encourage each other too!

And on to the accountability's your day going? Let us know how you're getting on with your goals, if you have any questions, need to vent, have a SV or NSV to share, etc. And feel free to just have a chat about how your day went! We got this :D


I’ll start: I slept well, and woke up to an email about the next phone call, which I think will be next sent me into a panic of course but I’m trying to write down what I can do to feel more prepared and then make a plan to do some of those things. I feel like between that and shark week starting today could be a harder than average day for me. I need to pre-log my food and hopefully I can stick to that and remind myself that emotional eating is not going to make my interview go better next week! Catch you all later, have a great day everyone!

submitted by /u/HadeanEarthWorm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, November 15, 2018

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Friday, 16 November 2018

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Shocked at my weight loss in a short period

I wasn’t sure about posting on here, but I truly enjoy reading everyone else’s posts and thought maybe I can help someone like you’ve all helped me. Reading this has helped me stay motivated and get ideas.

I’m a 24 yr old female and I’ve been able to lose 20 pounds in 2.5 months. SW- 170 CW- 150 GW- 140

I had an ear infection and lost 4 pounds and didn’t realize it until my doctor pointed it out. I thought hmm maybe I should try to lose more.

Shortly after that, I got my dream job (zookeeping) and became more motivated to be healthier. Most of my coworkers are the type to enjoy rock climbing, hiking, and outdoorsy physical stuff. I’ve always enjoyed those types of things too and saw how fit a lot of them are and decided why not try to get healthier?

I started by eating smaller meals and cuting out fast food and only drinking water. On occasion I’ll have an alcoholic drink or get my favorite fast food meal but only when I’ve had a rough day or am treating myself. I’ve cut out pop completely though, because I know if I drink it, I’ll want some everyday. I’ve gotta say though, now that I’ve stopped eating fast food, it’s less desirable than it used to be. I never count calories and that is a personal preference. I feel that I’ll get obsessive or stress myself out. I will look at calories in terms of high or low. Then I pick the lower option. This season has been perfect for soup so I’ve been eating a lot of that. It’s easy, low calorie and tastes great after working outside all day.

My Significant other and I work 50+ hours a week each so I don’t have much time to cook. If we do order in, I choose something that has veggies as a side or add them to the meal. Then i tell myself I can eat half of the meal today and the other half tomorrow. Then I always want to leave myself a good amount for tomorrow to make it filling so I don’t over eat.

I also cut back on snacking, because that was one of my vices. I enjoy eating as a hobby while watching tv and I needed to teach myself to only eat when actually hungry. I keep healthy snacks in my fridge like carrots, grapes, apples etc. that I know I’ll enjoy. I typically eat a small lunch at work like a sandwich, pickle, grapes and chips. The chips are a treat to myself. I think it’s important to still eat things we enjoy. Moderation is the key but you’re setting yourself up for failure if you completely cut out things that you know you love.

I also try to keep in mind that my job is very physical and my weight loss has also been affected by that. I do a lot of walking, scrubbing, hosing, climbing, etc.

I know a lot of people have to lose weight for health reasons. I did need to lose weight to be healthier, but it wasn’t life threatening. I think the reason I’ve been successful so far and remained consistent is because I’ve told myself this is something that I want. I’ve tried to make my weight loss a positive experience by not thinking about what I can’t have now but what I’m gaining. I’m gaining self confidence and better fitting clothing. I’m gaining happiness and self worth.

I’d like to lose about 10 more pounds and I’m gonna keep up what I’ve been doing. Thank you all for being such a welcoming community!!!

submitted by /u/Otters03S
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone had success losing weight on a vegan or plant based diet?

Hello fellow losers! Let me introduce myself first. I am coming to an end of my weight loss journey very soon. I am a 26 year old female, roughly 5'2" (maybe 5'3", I should really check this,) and currently 123 lbs (starting 158 lbs.) I started in May, fell off the band wagon and gained it back, so I started again in August. Successfully, this time. I combined IF, CICO, and Keto.

Keto was my toughest decision. I have always ate a more plant based diet, even when I was a kid. However, I was not losing weight, heck, I was gaining it! So, I gave keto a go, and it worked. Ugh. Well, my time has come that I am done with keto and I really want to switch back to my old diet. I ate so much meat in the past few months, that I have even been contemplating going fully vegan for awhile.

I have already made the switch away from keto but I will not be eating bread, pasta or added sugars. I will continue IF and CICO.

I attempted to research "weight loss on a vegan diet" myself before crying to my wonderful Reddit family about it, but I found nothing conclusive and very little info. I adjusted my macros in my Chronometer app to 30% protein, 40% carbs, and 30% fat, simply because that was about the only info I could find. I have no idea if I am screwing this up.

So back to original question! Has anyone successfully lost weight on a plant based diet? What macro goals should I be aiming for to continue weight loss on a vegan diet?

submitted by /u/awkward-beach
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[nsv] I opened the bag of potato chips

And only ate ten. Not the entire family size bag but ten. They're still sitting on the counter. And I could go eat the rest of the whole bag and it's tempting but I won't. I'm no longer my habits. I'm no longer my anxiety. My shame can't touch me.

Over the past three (fourish) months I've lost nearly thirty pounds and four inches from my waist. Lately I'm hovering at about 175(for the past couple weeks) but every day I get up look in the mirror and when the negative thoughts creep in I rebuke them. I give em to ol what for. God damn it, I look good. I.look.good. but I'm gonna look better. But just because I can look better doesn't mean I'm ugly now. The key to my weight loss has been to stop shaming myself for not already having hit my goal weight and being in goal shape. Because if I give in, and I do that then I'll never get to see the man I want to be looking in the mirror back at me. Because I'll have convinced myself I don't deserve to be him. And that's just wrong. Because damn it, I look good and I'm gonna look better

submitted by /u/Whereismytardis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

r/LoseIt's Response to the Removal of Several Pro-ED Communities

Welcome to all users, whether you are a longtime community member or are new to r/loseit.

r/LoseIt is, above all else, a place for people of all sizes to discuss healthy and sustainable methods of weight loss. Whether you need to lose 2 lbs or 200 lbs, you are welcome here!

Before participating in our community, please review the posting guidelines and rules of this subreddit. You also may want to review our Quick Start Guide or our Frequently Asked Questions.

We welcome all users who are looking to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable fashion. We do not tolerate uncivil, disrespectful, or harassing comments. We would like to remind our community that not all individuals with eating disorders have anorexia nervosa, and that not all individuals with eating disorders are underweight. The simple existence of an eating disorder does not mean that an individual is not unwelcome here, or that participating in r/loseit is dangerous to the user. Many individuals with eating disorders need to learn how to control their weight in a healthy and sustainable fashion. These individuals are welcome here and should not be harassed due to having such a painful struggle.

If you are coming to r/loseit from a pro-ED space that has now been banned, we would like you to know that most of the community here relies on calorie counting to learn to control their weight. If that is triggering for you, this may not be a safe space for you to participate. Likewise, there are certain types of advice that may have been acceptable (or behaviors that could be discussed) in those communities that we cannot accept here. For example, suggestions on how to abuse medication to lose unhealthy amounts of weight or advice on extended "fasting" periods may be removed. We are particularly careful when advice is directed towards minors. We are incredibly reluctant to support any sort of disordered thoughts for individuals who are still deep in the grips of a serious disease that may lead to their death.

At the end of the day, the mod team will use their discretion to remove any content that we feel is not safe or encourages unhealthy behavior.

r/LoseIt is not a replacement for advice from a doctor or other medical professional. Please refrain from attempting to diagnose users or give medical advice. We will remove comments and even ban users who cross these lines. For example, in the past we have banned users who have told others to quit taking medications without having a discussion with a doctor. The moderation team is not composed of medical professionals or therapists, and licensed doctors would never attempt to diagnose someone online anyway.

We expect that everyone in this subreddit treat each other with respect. Please report any rule breaking or concerning comments and a human moderator will review the content. If you come to r/LoseIt with the intent of suggesting dangerous or disordered methods of restriction, you can expect to receive feedback by the community. Questions like "Have you spoken to a doctor about your weight loss?" or statements like "I am concerned that you may have too large of a deficit" are completely fine and encouraged if all users treat each other with genuine respect and a focus on health (both mental and physical.) Off topic and non-constructive, disrespectful comments are not welcome, however, such as "You're too skinny, no man will want you now."

In addition, we stand by the recommendation that people consume at least 1200/1500/1600 calories per day for women/men/teens. While we realize that there are people who can eat less calories than that per day without ill effects, we encourage anyone who thinks that they should consistently eat less than those amounts to have a conversation about their plans and methods with their doctor. For more on the minimum daily calorie guidelines, please check out this part of the FAQ. Similarly, if you have a goal that is significantly below a "normal" BMI, you can expect some concerned comments. While BMI is not a flawless tool and there ARE exceptions, if you think you are an exception, you should have a conversation with your doctor.

Eating disorders are incredibly dangerous, and we would like this community to be a safe space for anyone who is pursuing to develop healthy and sustainable eating habits and weight. For individuals who are exclusively focused on gaining weight and muscle, I would encourage you to visit r/gainit to review their rules and resources.

We have a variety of advice for individuals who struggle with binge eating behaviors here and here. Please note that these resources were not developed by medical professionals and the advice may not be adequate for individuals with binge eating disorder or other related eating disorders. Again, if you think you might have such a condition, please see a licensed medical professional in your area.

Here are some resources that may be valuable for individuals with eating disorders or disordered eating habits:

National Eating Disorders Association - USA Call (800) 931-2237 or text "NEDA" to 741741

Overeaters Anonymous - USA - 12 Step Based Program

Beat Eating Disorders - UK

National Eating Disorder Information Centre - Canada

Canadian Mental Health Association

National Eating Disorders Collaboration - Australia

Reachout Support Services for Eating Disorders - Australia

We can't provide resources for every country on earth, but if you need help and are uncertain of how to find resources locally, please post here and we can attempt to help you find resources.

submitted by /u/maidrey
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from loseit - Lose the Fat