Thursday, November 15, 2018

Shocked at my weight loss in a short period

I wasn’t sure about posting on here, but I truly enjoy reading everyone else’s posts and thought maybe I can help someone like you’ve all helped me. Reading this has helped me stay motivated and get ideas.

I’m a 24 yr old female and I’ve been able to lose 20 pounds in 2.5 months. SW- 170 CW- 150 GW- 140

I had an ear infection and lost 4 pounds and didn’t realize it until my doctor pointed it out. I thought hmm maybe I should try to lose more.

Shortly after that, I got my dream job (zookeeping) and became more motivated to be healthier. Most of my coworkers are the type to enjoy rock climbing, hiking, and outdoorsy physical stuff. I’ve always enjoyed those types of things too and saw how fit a lot of them are and decided why not try to get healthier?

I started by eating smaller meals and cuting out fast food and only drinking water. On occasion I’ll have an alcoholic drink or get my favorite fast food meal but only when I’ve had a rough day or am treating myself. I’ve cut out pop completely though, because I know if I drink it, I’ll want some everyday. I’ve gotta say though, now that I’ve stopped eating fast food, it’s less desirable than it used to be. I never count calories and that is a personal preference. I feel that I’ll get obsessive or stress myself out. I will look at calories in terms of high or low. Then I pick the lower option. This season has been perfect for soup so I’ve been eating a lot of that. It’s easy, low calorie and tastes great after working outside all day.

My Significant other and I work 50+ hours a week each so I don’t have much time to cook. If we do order in, I choose something that has veggies as a side or add them to the meal. Then i tell myself I can eat half of the meal today and the other half tomorrow. Then I always want to leave myself a good amount for tomorrow to make it filling so I don’t over eat.

I also cut back on snacking, because that was one of my vices. I enjoy eating as a hobby while watching tv and I needed to teach myself to only eat when actually hungry. I keep healthy snacks in my fridge like carrots, grapes, apples etc. that I know I’ll enjoy. I typically eat a small lunch at work like a sandwich, pickle, grapes and chips. The chips are a treat to myself. I think it’s important to still eat things we enjoy. Moderation is the key but you’re setting yourself up for failure if you completely cut out things that you know you love.

I also try to keep in mind that my job is very physical and my weight loss has also been affected by that. I do a lot of walking, scrubbing, hosing, climbing, etc.

I know a lot of people have to lose weight for health reasons. I did need to lose weight to be healthier, but it wasn’t life threatening. I think the reason I’ve been successful so far and remained consistent is because I’ve told myself this is something that I want. I’ve tried to make my weight loss a positive experience by not thinking about what I can’t have now but what I’m gaining. I’m gaining self confidence and better fitting clothing. I’m gaining happiness and self worth.

I’d like to lose about 10 more pounds and I’m gonna keep up what I’ve been doing. Thank you all for being such a welcoming community!!!

submitted by /u/Otters03S
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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