Monday, February 11, 2019

I went shopping for jeans and it ended in tears

I started my weightloss journey on January 1st (real original I know) and I have lost 12lbs which I am thrilled about and have been so motivated by the progress I've made. I weigh myself on Sundays, and this week was the first week I had no weight loss. I didnt gain, but I didnt lose, which is not bad but I couldnt help but feel a little discouraged.

Anyway, I went shopping to find a Valentines Day outfit at Target. The last time I was at Target and bought jeans I bought a size 16. I went to the dressing room with a size 16, 14, and a 12. The paticular pair that I really wanted they only had a size 8. I decided to take that in for laughs.

The size 8 was the first and only pair I tried on today. I was in disbelief that they made it over my thighs. I was in disbelief that they buttoned. I was in disbelief when they not only buttoned but felt comfortable! And I sat in the little chair in the dressing room and couldnt help but cry.

I've been so happy with the smaller numbers I've been seeing on the scale every week but I've forgotten that that's not the only place the numbers are going to be shrinking throughout this journey!

submitted by /u/jessicamossy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why So Much Water? What's the Science Behind Hydration and Weight Loss?

I'm 40M, 200lbs. I'm drinking about 100oz of water per day. I've been CICO/DASH for about a month, and I've lost about half of what I want to lose.

I don't need to know how much water to drink,

I'd like to know WHY hydration is so important to weight loss.

--Does it help me burn fat on a cellular level? (is it necessary for the process?)

--Does it help me expel more fat (as urine or as carbon dioxide)?

--Does hydration (not the full-stomach feeling) help curb appetite?

--Why is it harder to lose weight if under-hydrated or dehydrated?

I'm on board with the water thing, I just hate carrying around a gut full of water every day and peeing every goddamn 40 minutes. What's the bonafide science behind hydration and weight loss?

submitted by /u/kirboncognus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My Hair Product Favorites

Finally bringing you my favorite hair products! This is one of my most requested videos!! So I’m sharing what I’m using right now – and it’s all very affordable. I answer the top questions: ‘What are your favorite hair products?’ ‘What dry shampoo do you use?’ ‘How often do you wash your hair??’

My favorite hair products video (427x640)


You can get all my favorites on Amazon here – Hair Products I Love

All my suggestions are super affordable and don’t require you to watch 13 YouTube video tutorials to learn how to use them. It’s easy!

brooks running trip recap 9

Watch the video where I share more about my favorite hair care items and tips here: 

My Favorite Hair Products and Hair Styling Tools

1. Shampoo – Avalon Organics thickening shampoo. I’m trying to use more organic, earth and body friendly products and this fits the bill! Both this shampoo and the partner conditioner are available at Costco (or at least the location near me). 

2. Conditioner – Avalon Organics thickening conditioner

3. Dry shampoo – Aveda Dry Shampoo. This is a powder dry shampoo!! I think it’s great at making un-washed hair look NOT oily or greasy at all. It also tends to add volume. I think dry shampoo in powder form is genius!

Other dry shampoo faves: Aveeno Dry Shampoo and Not Your Mother’s Dry Shampoo

4. Hot rollers – Revlon Hot Rollers. Hot rollers are the best easy way to curl my hair. Love. It might also be said to be the lazy way to curl hair. Again, love.

5. Hair clips – Pro Roller Clips. Some hot rollers don’t come with claw clips. If your set of hot rollers only have those wire hooks / clips – buy some clamshell clips that fit over your hair & the hot roller. I think it helps a lot with holding the rollers in place while I do a fast make-up session. Then, I take the rollers out and I’m good to go.

6. Hair spray – Hair spray. My hair is straight naturally so I often need hair spray if I want my curls to stay. I don’t always use it because I like the in-between look of curls and straight (= waves). But if I want my curls to stay longer than 27 minutes I do a light spray.

7. Sea Salt spray – I have sea salt texturizing spray in my bag of tricks but probably only use it a few times a year. This is mostly because I forget… One of them is called a thickening tonic and another is specifically sea salt / beachy waves type spray.

8. Rubber bands. When you have a lot of hair – you need a lot of rubberbands. I always have some sorta rubberband in my purse or in my car (if it’s not already holding up my hair). If you have to keep re-doing your ponytail or top bun while you’re going about your day or workout – you might need to look into better rubberbands. Spend some money, try a few different ones – it’s worth it to be able to focus on running (or eating) and not have to re-do your ponytail 22 times every hour.

red hair blog

Want more hair tips?

Check out my: How to Get Beachy Waves Tutorial

(I think it’s my favorite video from last year because it’s silly, but that’s just how I am in real life.)

Question: What’s your FAVORITE Hair Care Item??

What do you want me to cover in the next video??



The post My Hair Product Favorites appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Anyone else getting weirder bodies as you lose weight?

I’m down to 110kg from 135kg, probably lost a lot more of fat, but net weight loss is lower because I did put on a lot of muscle. As I get thinner and thinner my body is starting to look weirder. Before I started it was roundy, like you’d expect from someone who is fat. Now my upper abs are showing a tad bit but seems like 90% of my fat is concentrated on my lower abs. When you add the fact that I have pretty well developed pecs and huge love handles, it makes my body look like a weirdy hourglassish shape, which makes me much more self contious than before.

Anyone went or going through something this embarrassing?

submitted by /u/justbronzestuff
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

An injury motivated me to lose weight. 40 pounds down in 4 months!

Before I start my weight loss story, I thought I’d give a bit of background. Growing up, I was always chubby. At the end of high school, I was 6’2 and 220 pounds, but I made some positive lifestyle and diet changes and went through most of college at around 180 lbs. In the five years since I finished college, I slowly reverted back to old habits and gained all of the weight back (and more).

Last September, my wife and I were in the kitchen together. While I was chopping some meat at the counter, my wife opened the dishwasher behind me. I turned around and took a step, and tripped over the open dishwasher door. I went down hard. When I fell, I stuck out my left arm to try to catch me, but that ended up causing my shoulder to dislocate, then I landed on my face, chipping both of my front teeth. Going to multiple doctors in the aftermath was the first time I had to say my weight out loud. I weighed 240 pounds. Yikes. That’s how much Homer Simpson, the epitomical fat guy, weighs. I was bummed about getting injured, but having to face my weight also started eating at me.

Once I was set up with an orthopedist, he told me he recommended surgery to correct a torn labrum in my shoulder if I wanted to do many activities with upper body movement (contact sports wouldn’t be a great idea and anything involving movements or lifting with my arms overhead would be very difficult). I haven’t been very active the past few years, but the idea of losing this motivated me to get back to a healthy weight so I could be active.

I was in a sling for the next couple of weeks before surgery, but I tried making changes to start my weight loss. I’ve lost weight before, so I knew the routine: count calories, eat cleaner, exercise. I couldn’t exercise much due to the sling, but the morning of surgery, I weighed in at 237 pounds at the hospital, already down 3 pounds from 2 weeks ago. I was happy about that for a bit, but shortly after that, I got my blood pressure taken. It was 144/96 (well into hypertension levels). Another yikes. This was a big eye opener. I knew I was overweight, but I thought I was fairly healthy. My surgeon recommended seeing a doctor after surgery to help with my blood pressure. My dad had bypass surgery when he was in his mid-50s, and I knew I didn’t want to be on blood pressure medication at 25.

The weeks after the surgery were tough. My shoulder was extremely stiff and I had to be in a sling for 4 weeks, so the only activity I got in that time was walking around my apartment building, but I started trying to eat better. More vegetables and fruits, less processed foods, and I really watched my portion sizes. My wife isn’t much of a cook and I couldn’t do much with the sling, so this was a challenge. We had a lot of pre-prepared meals and take out, but I tried to keep it as healthy as I could. This was a lot of self-control; it would have been easy to have pizza and burgers for every meal or sit on the couch and snack around all day, but for the most part, I stuck to decent meals my wife and I would plan in advance before she went shopping.

Four weeks following surgery, my doctor cleared me for physical therapy. When I first went into PT, I couldn’t lift my arm above shoulder level, but it still felt good starting some upper body exercises, even if they were very low impact. I also saw a doctor about my blood pressure at this time. My blood pressure was lower than the reading before my surgery (possibly due to the stress and anxiety), but still in the pre-hypertension range. The doctor recommended making positive diet and exercises changes and monitoring my blood pressure at home.

Once I got to about 6 weeks post-surgery, I had much better mobility with my shoulder, so I started riding a stationary bike in my apartment. It was tough at first. 15 minutes on it was challenging, but after a couple weeks, I was in a routine of doing about 30 minutes a day for 4 or 5 days per week. I would also do around 45 minutes of shoulder exercises every morning, which were low impact, but still a good way to get moving and start the day. Around this time, I also started cooking again and skipping breakfast most days (I think I had been eating in the mornings when I was in the sling because I was bored). I cooked pretty much every weeknight, took leftovers or a salad for lunch at work, and limited eating out to once or twice during weekends. It felt good getting into a better diet and exercise routine. At this point, I think I had lost about 10 pounds (down to 230 pounds), and my blood pressure had slowly been going down.

The holidays were about 3 months post-surgery. My wife and I visited our out of town parents for a week. When I dieted and failed over the past few years, I had tried to cut out all sweets and other poor diet choices, but this time, I tried things in moderation. I didn’t gorge myself at all of our holiday meals (I definitely overate at a couple, but my strategy was to only eat more of my favorite foods instead of getting more of everything) and I limited deserts to 1 per day. I also stuck to my exercise routine by running on my parents’ treadmill once a day. At this point, my blood pressure was close to normal range and I was down 20-25 pounds (to 215-220 pounds).

In the two months since Christmas, most of my shoulder mobility and strength has returned. I finished my PT sessions a couple weeks ago, and my therapist even commented that in general, I looked a lot healthier than when I started, which was a nice confidence boost. I’ve also started doing more full body workouts (I started by using a free app called Stryve, which creates a 20 minutes or so workout made up of several 30 second-2 minute exercises, but for the past week, I’ve been using the Daily Burn app, which is similar, but it has a subscription fee and you can choose your workouts).

Right now, I’m at 200 pounds (down 40 pounds) and hoping to get down to my goal weight of 180 by the summer. Overall, I feel much better than before my injury. I don’t feel as groggy throughout the day and I’m not miserable every night because I stuffed myself at dinner. My body also feels much better. I’m really starting to notice differences in the mirror now too: my face is thinner, I can see my ribs and collar bones, and my gut isn’t hanging super far out. It sounds super corny, but my injury was a blessing in disguise. I don’t know if I would have ever found the motivation to lose weight if it wasn’t for everything that happened with my injury. It was rough at first, but it resulted in positive change and I still want to keep going.

submitted by /u/quiet_comedian
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 2.5 lbs last week so I rewarded myself with a 10 mile hike!

I weighed myself yesterday morning after a week of logging my calories and doing my best to have a surplus of calories left over and lo and behold -- I lost 2.5 lbs!! This is the first real progress I've seen since I restarted my weight loss efforts last month and MAN, it's such a good feeling.

I recently switched from working as a server (where I was walking 5+ miles a day) to working in an office (where now I walk 1+ mile a day) and I've been struggling with getting my eating and calories under control. I joined a gym with the intention to go every day after work but honestly...gyms just aren't for me. It's too crowded and I hate the idea of working out surrounded by 50 people who probably aren't paying attention to me but possibly are.

So I've been trying to find alternative methods of exercising and found a local park with various hiking/biking trails. Originally I'd planned to go on Saturday but had to cancel because the wind chill was ridiculous. Sunday morning, I woke up, immediately weighed myself and saw the scale go down!! In the past I would have taken the win and just vegged out at home all day but instead I decided to lace up my shoes and see what those hiking trails were all about.

To be fair, the trail I followed was only 7 miles but I somehow turned it into 10 😂 Maybe I got turned around at one point, I dunno.

According to my smart watch, I

- took 24,800+ steps
- climbed 13 flights of stairs (those hills KILLED me)
- had 246 active minutes
- burned 1,600 calories

I'm not gonna lie, the last couple of miles were hard, mentally and physically. I had no idea where I was or how close to the end, the sun was setting faster than I could climb, and the temperature dropped 10 degrees in a blink. I almost cried when I finally saw my car in the parking lot and when I got home, I crawled into bed and didn't move for the rest of the night (mostly because I couldn't). BUT I'm already thinking about the next time I can go back again (damn this weather) and in the meantime have plans to check out a few smaller trails that won't take so much out of me at once. Maybe I've found my new exercise hobby?!

submitted by /u/mipda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Choosing between our friendship and my health

I know this isn’t relationship advice but I would like to hear from some people who have experienced this.

I made a friend at work last year and we became close quickly. We started hanging outside of work a lot since we are about the same age (mid twenties) and have been dragging each other out of our houses since we both suffer from depression. We are also both juuuust over the obesity line.

Last month she started nagging me to go to the gym. I accepted finally and we were gym buddies for all of four days. No big deal until I started getting guilted for going to the gym alone (without her) on days she was too tired after work. A few days I even moved my schedule around so we could go when it would work for her and then she would just not show up.

I have gone every day but one for five weeks and I feel amazing and have lost weight with my diet change. She has not been back to the gym since but wants to have lunch or dinner or go party a few days a week and I have had to decline because I have no self control and I don’t want to mess up my weight loss.

I’ve asked her over and over to come back to the gym with me so we can hang but she is always too tired. I know she is depressed but I don’t know if I can help her through this and continue to care for myself. This is an especially tough time of year for me so I don’t want to risk slipping back into my own depression.

Is it crazy selfish of me to leave her hanging like that to save myself? She’s a great friend and I love spending time with her but I feel like she doesn’t want help so I have to just...go on.

submitted by /u/dangobelli
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from loseit - Lose the Fat