Wednesday, July 29, 2020

80 lb weight loss today. My weight loss tips for getting started.

It's really odd. I can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 50 lbs more to lose I think. 315 > 235 > final goal of 185.

Recently I noticed my hips, I run my hands over them and it's surreal. Also my fingers, mostly my bony thumbs. I guess they really were there all along.

Here's what I recommend starting with:

  1. Log all calories, everything you eat even if you go over.

  2. The first months will be painful. If you have an eating addiction, sugar addiction etc like I did it will take your body a while to adjust. You will be extremely bored and restless.

2.5. Your idea of hunger is out of wack. You will adjust to being "hungry". When I was way fatter, I thought I was hungry all the time but it was really boredom. You will adjust and your hormones and stomach will shrink over time.

  1. Have a dopamine replacement for your eating habit. For the first hard few months, I played videogames and talked to girls a lot and it helped me keep my sanity. Grab unto the next healthiest rung of the ladder you can in terms of replacing your eating. You will be bored, you will be hungry.

  2. Low carb diets can help you reset your tweaked out taste buds, after a few months of keto I went from being an extremely picky eater to being willing to try anything.

  3. Space out softer weight goals. At 260 lbs, I let myself start dating again. At 240 lbs I bought a new size wardrobe.

  4. Take progress pics. They will really help when you feel like you aren't making progress. Take one every 10% or so of your goal if you can. You'll really appreciate it. I know it is embarrassing early on.

  5. Don't have cheat meals or cheat days. Find food you like you can fit into your diet. This is forever, and you're probably trying to fix a food addiction.

  6. A scale is required. Both for the kitchen and your weight. Weigh yourself at a set state and time at least once a week. The data is important.

  7. Don't listen to family or friends discouragement or telling you you aren't being healthy losing weight at your own pace.

  8. Start a workout program as soon as you can, even if it is just trying to walk a few more steps each day. You'll feel so much better. Gradually increase your expectations and goals.

submitted by /u/adambombchannel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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