Monday, July 27, 2020

I'm overweight again.

I hit three of my goals at the same time!!

The three goals that had been haunting me for about the last year was being under 200 pounds, I think i was a teenager the last time I was. Getting under 30 points on BMI so that I was no longer obese but now overweight and last but not least was breaking 14 stone.

The number 14 has been the starting point for my weight in stones for over six months as I plateaued and also had a mini start over (THANK YOU LOCKDOWN/s)

But today I weighed myself and the scale read 13.13. As I marked my weight in mfp and did the calculations in my head for what that would be in pounds, I also decided to check my BMI and my excitement tripled.

13.13 195 29.5

I finally feel like I've hit a turning point. I'm doing weight loss in a way that works for me and while I've still got more to go on my path, exactly 30 pounds til I'm in my healthy range. I don't want to turn back, I want to keep going. If every goes perfectly, I should be finishing up by the end of the year but I'm just hoping to at least lose another stone so that I start 2021 with an easier goal.

Also I didn't do anything super special I just did CICO with about 1500 cals, I did my steps at 10,000 then in the past weeks I've now upped it to 12,000. I also did strict IF of 20:4 which I definitely felt helped the first stone but I don't do it strictly anymore. I usually eat a light lunch about 2 and eat maybe one or 2 snacks in between depending on what I've got planned for dinner. Then when it's dinner, I usually finish with something sweet so could be an orange, choco soy yogurt or sometimes im not hungry.

I was someone that always needed to eat something sweet after a meal so giving into a healthy sweetness definitely helps.

Most nights I finish off with a nice bowl of homemade popcorn which depending on my schedule can be between 8-10. So I'm technically still fasting but with slowly loosing the time, i feel like I'm now more in control of my food choices

I can already feel the difference to my appetite in the sense I don't want to over eat anymore, the food that I used to love eating in exuberant amounts no longer has the same effects. Ex. I loved these ramen packs, I'd eat 2 at a time which was basically half my calories gone in one meal. I hadn't let myself eat them in a while cause I wouldn't say they're a trigger but when I'd eat them I'd just wanna have a junk food day.

I decided to have 1 packet for dinner about a week ago and they made me feel icky and I just didn't enjoy them. Oh wells.

Thanks for reading and hope everyone keeps going on their bad ass journey.

submitted by /u/Retrievetheqte
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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