Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The beginning and the first month of my weight loss journey

21 years old, 5'11 Male, SW: 334, GW: 200, CW: 312.7

Hello, my fellow r/loseit followers. Before I get into my little story, I wanted to give a huge thanks to this subreddit for giving me the motivation to start and keep me motivated to lose weight. I love coming here every day to see peoples' stories about their weight loss which ends up helping me find new ideas for my weight loss. I hope I can do the same with my post today for at least someone.

Ok so, I have always been a large guy. I honestly can't remember when I was under 300 pounds. My lifestyle has been terrible ever since I was in 4th grade. Before then, I was active. I played Baseball, Hockey, rode bikes, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Somewhere around 3rd or 4th grade, my lifestyle drastically changed. I got diagnosed with Asthma which changed my lifestyle a lot. I was always being told by doctors that I needed to be careful since I had trouble breathing while being active. I took this the wrong way and pretty much stopped my active lifestyle thinking that I needed to stop.

To keep me from getting bored, I resorted to playing video games instead of being active. Ever since then, I have always played games for hours on end and have eaten terribly. I've always been worried about myself and always hated my weight and my looks. I'll be honest, I still suffer from it but, I'm trying to move on from all that. Lately, for the past couple of months, I got depressed. I was ashamed to step out of the house or even go to family events. I even thought about suicide a few times but, I know I'm better than that. (I'm doing okay mentally, by the way, I just wanted to mention this because I know there are people out there in the same situation. If you are in that situation, seek help. Find someone to talk to. That’s how I have been able to deal with my depression so far.)

After sulking for months and honestly years on end, I finally brought it upon myself that it was time to change about a month ago. My Uncle’s passing is what kind of triggered me to finally realize I needed to do something. Like I said previously, I am ashamed of my body. When I was getting ready for the funeral, I just broke down. Seeing myself in the mirror with my clothes that barely fit me hit me hard. I know I’m not an attractive person but, I did not want to look at myself ever again or want to leave the house. After that instance, I knew it was time to change. I sought help from family and friends, and they have been supportive. If it wasn’t for them, I probably wouldn’t even be making this post.

After getting advice and doing some research, I finally dove into working at my weight loss. I weighed in on the 1st of July at 334 lbs. To be honest, it was lower than I expected. I thought I would be damn near 400 or at least 350 so, that was a good thing to see for myself.

When I started, I really started to watch what I eat. I was recommended to use Food Lovers (a diet tracker) to track all my meals and it was a great tool to start with. It showed me what was a good meal and what wasn’t. It helped me balance Carbs, Fats, and Proteins and helped me get the idea of what a balanced meal is. The service was a bit costly so, I canceled it and switched over to MyFitnessPal which is a great app. I calculated my TDEE which is around 2,200 calories and I have been making sure I’m staying at least 500 calories below it. MyFitnessPal has been so helpful with this since I can see every calorie I eat. Sometimes I will go lower depending if I’m really Hungary or not. I eat 3 meals and 3 snacks throughout the day. I make sure to eat around 300-400 calories for each meal and my 3 snacks are around 150-200 calories. So, if I’m eating the max that I have set for myself (which I haven’t yet) I will consume around 1800 calories for the day.

On top of watching my calories, I have been walking at least 5 days a week. At the beginning it was hard. I found myself hurting after 30 mins of just walking at a normal pace but, I kept at it. Fast forward to today, I’m walking around for an hour around my local park. Throughout the last weeks, I have been picking up the pace. It took me a little over an hour to do 2.75 miles but, I’m now doing it in 55 minutes or so. I’m no longer really hurting but, I do feel it burning at times which is unpleasant however, I keep working through it. I plan to start doing some weight training soon as well. I still need to research on what I should be doing. If anyone has some advice on that, I’m all ears!

So, just by exercising and watching my diet, I have been able to lose over 20 pounds from the 1st to the 28th which has been really motivating for me. I never thought I could lose this much weight but, here I am! I saved some old clothes from high school and I’m starting to fit into some old pants which was surprising. I haven’t been able to fit into some older shirts but, I hope that will come in time. A lot of my family and friends say they can really see it in my body that I’m losing weight and I can somewhat see it as well. I would post some progress pics but, I’m insecure as it is so, I will be holding off on that for a bit lol.

I hope this wasn’t a terrible read, I’m not good with words lol. If anyone has any advice for me, please give it. I’m always looking for ways to improve my weight loss.

submitted by /u/nick7zz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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