Thursday, July 30, 2020

The optimal/fun equation of weight loss

I was reading this email newsletter about decision making as you approach a new project and it struck me how applicable it was to weight loss. For those who don't want to read, here's the gist:

If you are excited about the optimal approach, that’s awesome and definitely the best option. But more frequently, you find yourself (or your kids) deciding between box 1 (exciting, but not optimal) or box 3 (optimal, but not exciting). We opted for the excited/non-optimal approach. The alternative was hope we could convince her to like something she hadn’t show interest in prior.

He's talking about teaching his kid how to ride a bike, but the same applies for those of us working to lose weight.

It's easy to get caught up in figuring out the absolute best way to lose weight, build muscle, exercise, etc. But what's most important is what's sustainable for you, what you can commit to long-term once your starry-eyed beginning motivation wears out.

For me, this time around, that's losing weight at .5 lbs a week. Is it the most efficient, optimal way to get to my goal weight? No. But it is way more fun than any other way I've tried to lose weight, and I'm still sticking with it 3 months in. Choose what the method you're excited about, get started, and let the rest of the changes flow from there!

submitted by /u/pandabearattack
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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