Monday, July 27, 2020

Lost 15 kgs in approx 4 months in healthy way...

Age: 34

Height: 4 Feet 11 inches


Before weight loss: 65 Kgs

After weight loss: 49 Kgs

Nationality : Indian

I was 65 kgs when I realized that I have gained too much weight. My BMI was 29. I was not able to wear my favorite clothes. Inside somewhere I realized that I need to do something for my health but was not serious enough. I am a foodie person so wasn't sure about how to loose weight without my favorite junk food. But where there is a will there is a way. I was never fond of walking. I used to do basic exercises at home but there was no consistency.

One fine day, by God's blessings I decided that this is a day to start and my journey started. It was End of Oct 2019. First thing I decided was to eliminate fried foods and sweets from my diet which are the biggest culprits in weight gain.

Then I started to research how to loose weight in a healthy way without becoming weak and suffering from nutrition deficiencies. Google and you-tube helped me a lot in my research.

I realized that first thing is to understand your body then only you can be healthy. Below are some of the key points.

First - With low metabolism, whatever I ate was getting converted into fat and thus more weight gain. My stomach used to fill quickly but due to lack of control on my tongue I tend to overeat which will not help obviously in losing weight.

Second - It was important to determine a balanced diet which fulfills all your requirements of protein, fiber, vitamins, essential fats and carbohydrates.

Third - Portion control is must! No matter which meal of the day you are having and how much you love that dish, overeating is a big NO.

Fourth- Dinner should be lite so that its easy to digest because your metabolism is slowest during night. Dinner time is also important. I always maintained dinner time before 8 PM.

Fifth - Consistency is the key. Whatever plan you come up with, its important to follow it till you reach your goal and then you need to maintain your fitness levels thereafter.

Sixth - In addition to diet plan, there needs to be an increase in your calorie output. In my case, I made walking a daily routine.

The results didn't showed up immediately, it was gradual but definite. Once you start seeing the weighing scale going down, it motivates you more and more.

I made following changes in my kitchen :

Eliminated : White sugar, refined oil, refined salt.

Introduced : Oats, daliya(broken wheat), Isabgol, Quinoa, raw sugar, Jawar aata, Ragi aata, diff type of seeds such as flexi seeds, sunflower seeds, Chia seeds, watermelon seeds, Pumkin seeds , Macha Green tea, Extra virgin olive oil, himayalan pink salt, Unrefined filtered groundnut oil.

Breakfast options I had : Masala oats, Quinoa and daliya ( in one spoon of desi ghee with Moong dal and lots of Vegs). Cereals ( Whole grain flake mixture of oat, wheat, rye,barley,rice with sunflower seeds ) and milk with almonds, Walnuts and apple, isabgol with hot milk or hot water, Upma, brown rice poha, Suji dhokla, Besan khaman.

Lunch options I had : Bolied cheakpeas or Rajma or moong with lots of salad and little spices, multigrain roti (wheat flour with added ragi or jawar flour) with veg or panner curry made in ghee. Smoothie made of watermelon, carrots and Beetroot.

Snacks : Chana, Rosted makhana(lotus seeds), Macha Green tea, kurmura bhel. Makhana chat. Coconut water, fruits smoothie.

Dinner : Tomato moong dal soup, veg biryani, khichdi with more portion of dal, Jawar and Ragi roti with Vegs and green leaf(green and red spinach, dill leaves) curry made in ghee.

Outside : I never eliminated outside food completely. But I had to be very careful while choosing what to eat. I usually indulged in dosa with chatni and Sambar without oil or ghee. One or two bites of vada pav from my husband's portion😁 , half plate pani puri to satisfy my taste buds. 😉

To satisfy sweet tooth : - Laddu made from ragi flour, ghee and dates, Rajgira chikki etc to satisfy sweets cravings, but in a very limited amount.

I greatly reduced usage of wheat flour from my diet and it helped a lot.

Its been 5 months now and I haven't gained any weight again. Now my weight is constant. Whatever I eat in a day, I eat with consciousness in my mind that I have to eat only till my stomach is full. And the overall changes I made in my diet are now part of my daily life.

Now I always look for healthy alternatives of our favorite dishes. For example, as gujarati we always like Gathiya and fried namkeen so now at home I started making baked gathiya, baked puri, baked onion pakoda, cookies with ragi, wheat and Jaggery, baked bhakharvadi etc

In order to continue to stay fit, I have started doing surya namskar and some other yogasens. I keep a habit of walking for at least 30 minutes in a day.

submitted by /u/shreyasomaiyaganatra
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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