Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Getting there .. slowly but surely

I've been working on losing weight for the last year, this is my first time posting to the sub but I'm excited- everyone seems so kind. My SW: 239 GW: 130 CW: 198
I'm a 5'0 20 year old female, so every pound really changes the way I appear.

I've lost ~40 pounds in the last twelve months, primarily from fixing my binge eating issues, cutting out fast foods and sugary drinks (no joke, I used to eat 4 fast food meals a day), eating healthier and trying to balance out my caloric intake and amount of physical activity. Drinking green tea and coffee has surprisingly done me wonders. Unfortunately, I've been plateaued for a while as I feel most of my weight loss has come from changing my dietary habits because exercising is always something I've struggled with. Last March I was eagerly ready to get a gym membership... then covid19 struck. I've lost 5 pounds since March and I've been a bit disappointed in myself. I still think my diet is good for me, I just really need to be more physically active. I've been trying to do what I can whether it's going swimming, for small hikes, and out for walks and attempt to do my own workouts/dancing at home. Even if it's standing or gardening. I feel like I need to do something more rigorous to really see results, and I'm struggling without a gym. Does anyone have any tips? At home programs, equipment, motivation? And advice regarding exercising for people who are starting off very out of shape? (No upper body strength, can't jog for long periods, etc.) I really don;t know much about fitness.

Overall, I've lost a fair amount of weight in a sustainable and healthy way. I need to be more proud of that. I really do look healthier and happier. However, I can't help but feel like my progress is moving at such a slow pace. I see others losing 60-80 pounds in 9 months while I've lost 40 over a total of 14 months. Has anyone else felt like their progress took a bit longer as well?

If you took the time to read this, thank you so much! If I post again it probably won't be as long winded but I hope I can update in the future with positive progress!

submitted by /u/catherinecrunch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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