Thursday, July 30, 2020

Weight loss plateau, need to correct eating habits

TL;DR: I've got a weird pattern of skipping meals and binging like crazy, haven't lost weight with consistent IF for months, need some suggestions on food I can either prepare quickly on demand or prepare in advance if necessary.


I'm a 24 year old male.

My apartment doesn't have an air conditioner, so using an oven is really not the best option for me. I do have an instant pot and a great set of nonstick pans, however.

No cholesterol or blood pressure issues, my bloodwork has always been 'great' according to my doctors, surprisingly.

I can eat meat and I'm not allergic to anything.

I'd prioritize taste over effectiveness and cost. Honestly feel like my goal right now is to eat 'normally' rather than to lose weight, just figuring it out is hard.

I've had luck feeding myself with egg sandwiches in the morning and pasta for a late lunch. Variety would be super helpful, as would vegetables..

Boring stuff:


I was normally 165, lifted and worked out to 143, gained a bunch of weight over a year of antidepressants and job loss and whatnot to 181, and adopted intermittent fasting and a bunch of water to get down to 155. I'm trying to get below 150 before I start eating enough to maintain(even if that's overweight for my 5'6" height)

I've kept up the intermittent fasting for the past few months though and haven't really seen my weight change. Kind of worried that I'm either eating too much or too little depending on the day. I have the issue where since I'm working from home I'm always being pulled into meetings and the like, so I don't have a ton of time to eat properly, so I might skip meals entirely on some days depending on how timing works.

For example, some days I can get by with just a cereal bar. But other days, I'll end up eating half a large pizza and delaying my fasting windows.

I feel like I can maybe solve this through some meal prep, so I want to accomplish the following:

Prep meals that I can pick up and eat at my desk, either through advance meal prep or through quick meals that will allow me to keep losing weight.

Bring my metabolism back up to speed by eating more consistently to avoid binge eating/metabolism slowdown

Accommodate a cheat day so I can get takeout or do bubble tea or whatnot.

submitted by /u/abandonedsemicolon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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