Sunday, July 26, 2020

I'm 19 F 5'7"... and apparently I'm 209 lbs

Hello! This is my first ever original post on reddit, so let me know if any of my formatting is wrong.

I started my weight loss journey a little over 6 months ago now. I started at 230 lbs, and have steadily been making progress towards my goal weight of 140... or so I thought.

In January, among all of the New Year's sales, I went out and bought an ultra cheap bathroom scale. Being a broke college student, the $30 investment was kind of a big deal for me, and I've been dutifully weighing myself since.

It wasn't until yesterday that I realized something was up. I noticed that when I shifted my weight on my feet, the number on the scale shifted too. Being a spring scale, I thought this wasn't too uncommon and decided to use one of my mom's old scales as a second opinion. It read a completely different number.

When using my spring scale, I would often put my arms up against the wall to support myself, or step off and on the scale to double check, using the smaller of the two numbers. I now realize that I've been in denial about my weight.

Up until this point, I thought I was 203 lbs. Just stuck in a plateau, as the number shifted between 203 and 204... and 207 and 209.

I know this is my own fault, but I can't but feel devastated about this revaluation. I've decided to purchase and more reliable scale and start from ground zero with diet and exercise.

Sorry for the ramble, but I guess the main point is, have any of you experienced something like this? How did you cope? How did you keep going?

submitted by /u/lespeachy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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