Monday, August 17, 2020

Are mind games an unavoidable part of weight loss?

My background: I was overweight for most of my childhood. My mother told me there was nothing I could do about it, it was just genetic. I grew up, left home, and managed to get down to a healthy weight. I didn't have as much junk food around and did a fair amount of long distance running.

Got married, had a baby, gained 50 pounds during pregnancy. Tried to lose weight through exercise like I had before, but found it quite difficult to do with a baby. I resigned myself to a slow and gradual weight loss, secretly afraid that it would never happen.

About 6 months postpartum, my mother wanted to buy me some new clothes. I told her that I'd like to lose more weight before investing in a new wardrobe. She smirked and said "Good luck." I could tell that she was quite pleased that I was once again overweight.

I was quite angry and extremely motivated to lose weight after that encounter, so I started researching online. I eventually found this sub. I lurked/ read posts from it daily. I devoured all of the posts from u/funchords that I could find. I was able to learn what I had been missing in order to have a successful weight loss, even without hours of running. I got down to a few pounds below my prepregnancy weight at 10 months postpartum.

Along came baby number two. I gained 60 lbs during this pregnancy, but I had the tools I learned from this sub and got started earlier with weight loss via calorie counting. I'm much further along than I was with the first pregnancy. Things seem to be going well, and I should reach my prepregnancy weight by December.16 pounds left to go.

But you know what's funny? Every stinking pound is still so mentally hard to lose. I often think "Maybe dieting will stop working now that I've reached X number of pounds. Maybe this is the pound that I'll have to plant my proverbial flag to die on." Sounds dramatic, but such is my inner dialogue.

I've been trucking along. I'm still losing weight. I just expected that it would be easier mentally this time around. Has anyone else experienced this? Did you find anything that helped with these sort of mental hurdles? Are these thoughts just an unavoidable companion to weight loss? I guess I'm just wondering if there are people out there that have escaped these defeatist thoughts.

submitted by /u/disheveled_chonmage
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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