Monday, August 17, 2020

Help! My spouse won’t get rid of junk food and it’s sabotaging my weight loss

Does anyone else have a spouse or partner who CANNOT live without their junk food? My fiancé insists on having junk food around and going out to eat a lot on the weekends. A part of me wants that junk food too (hello elephant) and it’s REALLY hard to deny that when it’s literally in front of your face and your tired and stressed or slightly tipsy etc. My partner has been eating healthier (thanks to my cooking!) but he still wants the chips, cookies and ice cream around the house because for him he can’t be too restrictive or he won’t ever eat healthy. He is better at eating in moderation than I am. I believe I’m wired differently and would prefer to just not have it in house but I can’t win this battle. If we don’t buy the junk at the grocery store he’ll just do little trips to the corner store or drive throughout the week and bring it all home.

I know he won’t change and I can’t force him so I need to learn to live with it but how? I keep sabotaging my weight loss efforts by over indulging on the weekends. I know have to take ownership over my own weight loss and healthy eating. Does anyone have tips?

submitted by /u/mluck7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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