Thursday, August 20, 2020

Down 20lbs!! Under 150 today! F/24 SW: 170 CW: 149.4 GW: 125

I just started getting serious about weight loss after being in denial for a few years. I had initially gained about 15 pounds due to hormones and then continued to gain, because I felt bad about myself when I looked in the mirror and felt hopeless about the amount of weight I was gaining and how quickly it was happening. I was avoiding weighing myself due to the extreme anxiety I had and continuing to deny how much weight I gained. Last year around this time, I went to the doctor and they weighed me at 170.

I couldn’t sleep at night.

I was an athlete and was consistently around 125lbs all my life. I had really let myself go and was so disgusted in myself, but I didn’t even know where to start with weight loss. It had never been something I thought about, I used to eat whatever I wanted, and not gain a pound.

Since that doctors visit and now, I continued to avoid the scale. I started to try to eat healthier, eat less, try IF, etc. I always gave up whatever new thing I was trying within a few weeks. IF was hard when I saw friends for meals. Eating healthier is just hard in general... I love food.

Now with COVID (and the fact that I’m working so much...) I started off with IF and then now I’m doing lazy OMAD, still eating pretty much anything I want (but incorporating more veggies). I eat meal around 5-6pm, drink plenty of water throughout the day, and eventually I could physically tell I had lost some weight - even though I had never taken measurements or actually recorded my weight. I gained the courage and finally stepped on the scale and saw I lost 20lbs, and now I’m feeling more motivated than ever to continue. OMAD has been so easy after a few weeks of getting used to it. I’m so excited to continue to do OMAD, incorporate some work outs, and get back to my original weight thanks to this sub and the IF/OMAD sub. I’ve learned so much from you all!!

submitted by /u/dressedinblvck
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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