Sunday, August 9, 2020

Exercising in public with social anxiety

Today I (23f, CW 247 lbs) went for a walk in my usual spot, a track that usually has very few people there. I often have my boyfriend with me when I go, which makes me feel more secure and less anxious when there are others around. But today he was working and I went alone to find the track empty.

Twenty minutes in, a jogger shows up. I was finishing a lap, and my first instinct was to get my stuff and leave. The guy was really fit and I felt embarrassed of my current weight and that I was only walking. In the past, I absolutely would have left immediately. But my plan was to walk at least an hour total, and I wasn't going to fail today. I finish my lap and begin the next one. Not even 15 seconds later, as he passes by me, he turns to give me a smile and a wave. And immediately, I just felt so much less anxious about it, less self conscious. While the feeling didn't entirely go away, it was easier to work through it.

In the end, the jogger only stayed maybe 10 minutes and was on his way. I finished my walk and felt so good mentally and physically after for doing so.

I know a lot of us can be super anxious to put ourselves out there, even in a small way like this, but it's important to remember no one is judging you as harshly as you think they are. Strangers are often kinder than we think they are, and they are much more focused on themselves than they are on you.

Besides weight loss, a huge goal for me is to be comfortable with myself. I hope everyone else who struggles with this is making progress too, no matter where you are in your weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/anything1997
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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