Thursday, August 20, 2020

Gritting my teeth & sticking to it - it's so hard!

I've been on this journey for 40 days and I've lost 8 pounds. I have 74 pounds total to lose to be at the top of my "healthy weight." This is the first time I've used CICO in any meaningful way. I have Hashimoto's Thyroidosis, multiple food allergies & Endometriosis. Basically fighting my immune system and hormones every step of the way.

When I got my period last time, I gained 5 pounds and it took 2 weeks to lose it again and move on to further weight loss. It was extremely disheartening, to say the least.

I stuck to it. It was really hard. I wanted to give up so many times. I did the calculation and that's still 1.4 pounds per week on average, which is good.

I'm very tired most of the time, so I haven't brought exercise into my daily plan yet.

Every single day I want to give up. I want to say screw it, and at least eat and drink what I want, satisfy any whim I experience. I also want to be healthy. I went through a lot of stress, a bad relationship where my finances and my happiness were ruined, and my body went to hell along with it in the last few years. I really, truly want to shed all reminders of that crappy time and my extra chub is a big one.

Slow loss is difficult to stick to, but from what I understand, that's the best way to maintain weight loss. It's a constant internal struggle to keep moving forward without BIG results, but I'm still fighting.

Based on 1.4 pounds lost per week, I will be at my goal weight in 48 weeks. That puts me at the end of July, 2021, which means a one year commitment to my health, total. Then I can maintain. It seems daunting, but also doable. I simply have to keep in mind that my period may stall me for a few weeks so that I don't give up in despair.

submitted by /u/coldbloodedjelydonut
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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