Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Have you ever had to “start over?”

I started getting serious about my weight loss in March, when I weighed 193 pounds, started doing regular calorie counting on my own until May, when I joined noom at 184.8 pounds. Lowest weight I reached was 178.8 pounds on July first. My weight fluctuated throughout 179 for a while until I went right back to the 180s. I’m sure at first it was just normal fluctuations but then I had several days where I just ate like shit (family getting food from restaurants, my sister coming home with junk food, days where I just couldn’t stop eating or didn’t make the greatest choices, etc) so I’ve been in the high end of 183 for a while, weighing in at 183.2 today.

I’ve been “off the wagon” with noom for a while I guess, but really fell off end of July/early this month when I got my wisdom teeth out and got to experience the bliss of eating things like pudding and ice cream without counting calories or reading articles or anything, so of course I got used to not being in the noom mindset and I’ve been having difficulty getting back to it.

My noom app wanted me to celebrate 100 days of noom a few days ago and that was...rough...someone in my group chat mentioned that she lost 20 pounds in those 100 days, and while I’m super happy for her I’m obviously beating myself up about how terribly I’ve been doing. I know the weight loss journey isn’t linear, but it would be nice if it was!

I think it was easy for me to fall off since I was already feeling so discouraged and was starting to get into the “this isn’t worth it, you’ll never reach your goal weight or look how you want” mindset. I’m really struggling with getting back on it, especially now that I’m expecting my period soon, but I know I need to. I feel gross from how horribly I’ve been eating lately. I’ve asked my noom coach to reset me to week 1 so hopefully having that type of mental rewind will help me get back to it with the same energy and motivation I had in my first week!

Needing to start over is so embarrassing for me...I’ve been struggling with weight loss for a few years now (I’ve never made it as far as I have this go around though, and I’ve never taken it as seriously for as long either) but I really thought I had it this time :( I’m embarrassed and feel gross. Has anyone else had to start over? Is there anything you learned that helped you significantly when it was time to start over? Any words would help lol

submitted by /u/uhmthinking
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2YgklGa

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