Friday, August 21, 2020

I cured my sugar addiction by eating sugar

This will be a long post, TL;DR at the bottom. For the longest time I had been trying to lose my extra kilos while fighting my sugar addiction at the same time. I had some temporary success with keto diet several times but eventually lost my willpower. It was so frustrating because I would be on a diet for two weeks, feel great, I would even lose my cravings for sugar but then eat some sweets by thinking "it's only 50 grams of carbs, I don't even want it so bad, I must be cured, so everything will be fine if I eat it" and everything would go south from there on. Of course after some time I would regroup and having prior experience I would avoid sweets at all cost, but idea of never being able to eat sweets was so debilitating that I felt like simply building another layer of mental problems on top of unsolved ones - and of course I would fail again. I tried eating fruits when I wanted some desserts and while they would feel extra sweet even after only a week of diet, something was off and my brain knew it. When the pandemic started I decided to try getting in shape once more. This time I chose low carb diet, I felt like my brain could work a little bit better than with keto and weigh loss was almost as fast. And then after a couple of weeks I had a challenge. I was feeling great, but my brain again decided that I'm cured and I must test my body at 11pm. It had to be chocolate, my brain decided, however at that time all shops were already closed. As always I cleaned my home good before trying again but I managed to find some candy on one of the top shelves in my kitchen cupboard. My mind changed itself and said "that will do". I started devouring the candy and to my surprise it was extra sweet even despite my increased sensitivity to sweetness because of the low carb diet. To my even bigger surprise I very quickly felt full and maybe even slightly disgusted with it. It fascinated me as I could not remember the time I was full because of candy. Next day I successfully continued my diet. I spent whole month experimenting with different types of candy and testing my body, this time for real. It has been almost half a year since I began my diet and I can say that I finally overcome my sugar addiction. I had multiple chances (heck, I even experimented on purpose) to relapse, but I didn't. I would say I had a truly difficult addiction, but as soon as I find a cure it magically disappeared. So as you saw in the title the cure was sugar itself: every time I felt like eating sweets - I ate it and would quickly feel full and my cravings stop. Of course it sounds unreal, but by experimenting (very carefully this time as I knew that everything may go south again, but that magical candy in my cupboard gave me confidence as I already had a cure) I found out what triggers my downfalls and what simply fulfilled my cravings. As you all know everyone is different and your experience may and will differ but it turns out my body can tolerate sweets with super high sugar content (must be at least 75%) as well as sweets where there are much more fat than sugar (like dark chocolate at least 80%), however two should not be mixed. All other popular branded candy, milk chocolates, ice cream is a huge NO and a slippery slope downhill; basically so is everything that has about equal amount of fat and sugar. It was truly challenging to test those foods, but again success gave me composure to keep my balance. Now I'm even able to drink a can of coke when eating low fat foods (like salad), at the same time I must mention that diet soda somehow still triggers my cravings and if I try fulfilling them with more diet soda - I feel bloated and my weight loss stops for a few days even though I continue to eat healthy. I'm not a physician and I have no certain idea why zero calories drink stops weigh loss when I'm clearly just a day before was eating the same and had caloric deficit but I suspect diet soda caused my base metabolic rate to decrease sharply and I had to exercise more or eat even less in order to continue losing weight. So that is my story, I hope it might be helpful for fellow sugar addicts who are struggling to find a working solution.

TL;DR: if you try to overcome sugar addiction but you keep failing - try eating high sugar sweets OR low sugar but high fat sweets. At all cost avoid sweets with 50% sugar and 50% fat combo. Avoid replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners if you feel like they are failing you.

submitted by /u/weareheaven
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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