Friday, August 21, 2020

NSV - I think I broke my addiction to fast food

I'm a 29M who has struggled with obesity and weight loss my entire adult life. I've had some success with weight loss - I am down 75lbs from my heaviest weight of 300 lbs in 2016 and I'm as motivated as ever to finally hit my next goal weight of 180 before I turn 30 in February.

For as long as I can remember, I have been a fast food and takeout addict. At one point, I couldn't leave the house without stopping for some kind of meal, snack, or treat from a restaurant - even if I wasn't all that hungry. Today I realized I am no longer addicted. My fiancee went to a doctor's appointment and was due back around lunch time. She knew I hadn't eaten yet, so on her way home she asked me if I wanted her to pick up lunch. The wheels began to spin in my head of all the possible options I could eat for lunch - shake shack, my favorite taco place, or maybe some wings from my favorite spot! After thinking about it, I decided none of these sounded appealing right now and that I don't need to eat such a heavy and unhealthy meal. I ultimately told my fiancee thanks but I'll make something at home. This is HUGE for me and I just wanted to post and celebrate this major win for myself as overcoming this will inevitably help me sustain my long term health goals.

I should add - I do not and will not deprive myself of the things I want. I am following CICO as a way of eating and I am still enjoying all my favorite foods in moderation when I feel like eating them, but today was not one of those days!

submitted by /u/bucksncowboys513
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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