Friday, August 21, 2020

50 lbs down for the first time in my life!

[TW: Eating Disorder] Also I apologise for the length :) You can skip to the last paragraph to just get to the heart of the post


Hello! My name is Rebecca and I have been overweight/obese for the majority of my life. As far back as I can remember I’ve always been overweight and it’s been one of the biggest obstacles in my life. The only time before recently that I have been on the lower end of weight (but still considered over) was when I was in high school and I had medication-induced anorexia that caused me to lose 40 pounds in a few months, and this eating disorder quickly became a mental disorder and has haunted me for years. My biggest challenge in losing weight was to not only change my eating habits and change the way I thought about hunger, but also to change the way I thought about weight loss as a whole in general.

When I first moved away from home I gained about 80 lbs in a few years on top of my already overweight body. It got to the point where siblings were concerned for my health. After addressing the background problems in my life that attributed to my weight gain, I finally ended up where I was in March of this year: ready to make the changes I needed to be healthy and happy again.


In March I discovered intermittent fasting and this helped change my life more than I could have ever imagined. IF helped me address one of my biggest concerns and helped me learn the difference between true hunger and boredom hunger. Because I only had a 8 hour window to eat (now a 4 hour) I had to learn the willpower I know I have to keep from eating and it helped me slowly realize what my body felt like when it was actually hungry. Honestly IF is the best thing that ever happened to me.

The next parts were easier, I slowly began to change my eating so that I could still have that unhealthy food I love so much for dinner, but if I want a snack later I only had healthy options to choose from. Mixing and matching healthy and unhealthy kept me on the diet since I wasn’t sacrificing as much to lose it.

The last obstacle was my ideas about weight loss that I had to change. In my mind if I wasn’t consistently losing at least 2 lbs a week and never fluctuating and never having a bad day then what was the point of trying? I had these unrealistic standards that if I’m not losing as quickly as my ED days then I was doing it wrong. And changing that view has been the hardest but I’d like to think I’m doing better. I still have bad days but not as many as before.


And lastly the point of this is to celebrate my 50 lb weight loss! The first time I’ve lost this much and especially without my ED! I still have a long way to go (about 70 lbs) but I’m almost halfway and I couldn’t be more proud of myself for making the changes I need and for pushing to a healthier and happier me! Here are photos of me close to my initial weight (about 7 lbs off) and me currently ( I think the biggest thing was my face gains (sorry I didn’t post that) but still my body looks much better and I’m so much more confident! Here’s hoping I’ll be back at some point to talk about my 100 lb loss! Thank you to this community for helping me push through and have a place to express my feelings <3

submitted by /u/rkjayy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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