Friday, August 21, 2020

28F 5’2”- 160 pounds to 110 pounds- My Journey Before and After Pregnancy!

progress picture

My name is Jess!

I got into health and fitness in January 2018.

I saw some pictures my sister in law posted of me from a family event on Facebook and I was shocked.

Seeing those pictures where I wasn’t posing and I was just sitting and standing like normal made me realize how much weight I had put on.

I started a 6 month Diet Bet challenge (which I won) and joined the gym!

I started out by going to spin classes 4-5x a week.

Then I ventured into body pump classes and eventually ended up on the gym floor doing weight training!

I also went from trying to eat “healthy” aka eating only boring food to macro tracking using the free calculator.

I loved macro tracking and had a lot more freedom because I wasn’t scared to have “unhealthy” food if it fit in my macros.

I took the macro counting really seriously though and would carry meals around in containers even if my husband was eating out. Nothing wrong with that but just trying to explain how hardcore I was about the macros lol.

I went from around 160 pounds in January 2018 to 128 pounds in July 2018.

July 2018 I found out I was pregnant which was awesome because we were trying!

I went from macro tracking to letting it all go.

I still went to the gym but not as much but I ate however I wanted.

Once the scale hit 178 I stopped weighing myself lol.

I gave birth via c-section in February 2019 and at 8 weeks postpartum I was 160 pounds, right where I started off! Haha.

I tried to macro track and go to the gym again.

But it wasn’t as easy with a baby.

I commute 45 minutes each way to work so going after school began taking away time from our time together and going before school was impossible because daycare wasn’t open in time.

I bought some adjustable dumbbells, resistance bands and a few other little things and started working out at home!

Macro tracking with a baby was possible but not worth it to me.

I realized after months of weighing and tracking my food before getting pregnant that I could get good at eyeballing portion sizes so I stopped weighing and tracking food all together.

I aimed to walk 8000+ steps daily and I workout 4-5x a week with my dumbbells for 30-60 minutes each time.

I ate in a calorie deficit aiming to have 1400-1650 calories depending on the day. I wasn’t weighing or tracking but that was my aim. I was in a calorie deficit for a year.

After a year I switched to maintenance. I’m maintaining 110-115 pounds and keeping up with my workouts and steps but I eat 1700-2000 calories a day.

I was a lot more relaxed losing weight this time around. I had and have dessert almost daily. I had and still have no off limit foods but I watched my portion sizes. I had and still have protein every meal and veggies and fruit at least twice a day. I filled in the gaps with everything else!

Having no off limit foods helped me avoid binging which I used to struggle with when I would “forbid” myself to have certain foods.

Here’s an example of what I eat in a day and it was the same when I was losing weight, the portions were just smaller. I switch things up periodically but I’m a creature of habit and like to make things easy and make a giant amount of the same thing that lasts the whole week and switch things up at dinner time!

Meal 1- protein coffee.

Meal 2- protein chocolate peanut butter overnight oats with one small chocolate melted in it and whipped cream and berries on the side

Meal 3- Greek vanilla yogurt mixed with chocolate protein powder and topped with half a chopped protein bar, berries and whipped cream or I have the oatmeal meal again

Meal 4- taco salad- ground turkey cooked in taco seasoning, black beans, spinach, romaine, cherry tomatoes, mini bell peppers, a little cheese, a little guacamole, a little sour cream and a lot of salsa.

Meal 5- completely random based on what’s in the house or what we make. I make sure there’s lots of veggies involved. We have frozen pizza once a week or so but veggies still end up on the side!

Meal 6- dessert. Usually a small slice of frozen Edward’s pie or Orville smart pop popcorn and snocaps

Calorie deficit is definitely key for weight loss. I highly recommend the free calculator if you’re looking to macro track.

If you are looking for something a bit simpler I recommend the Jordan Syatt Calorie Calculator on YouTube. :)

My future goal is to be able to do a pull-up!

submitted by /u/jessloves1992
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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