Friday, August 7, 2020

I didn’t realize how much progress I have made until I tried on new clothes...

So I (25 M) have suffered from eating disorders and body dysmorphia for as long as I can remember. I’ll start with a bit of a backstory for context.

At my heaviest I weighed around 205 lbs at 5’10”. That was my weight on Christmas of 2019. Now while that might not seem “that heavy”, as a preteen I weighed around 180 lbs at 5’1”. I was bullied constantly for my weight both in school and at home. During that time is when I first started starving myself. Followed by periods of binging and repeating the cycle. I hit puberty, grew 9 inches and graduated at around 180 lbs from high school.

My life after high school was a tumultuous hell to say the least. But I’m still here kicking. Food became my escape and comfort. McDonalds or other fast foods were a daily staple in my diet. I slowly added more weight each year. The last straw was when climbing up the stairs started to get difficult on my breathing and literally ripping a pair of my jeans by just stepping up onto a small platform. Coincidentally, I have an uncle who is a personal trainer who offered me guidance on a weight loss program and training sessions for free so long I post progress pics as a way to drum up potential business for him.

Around April I sent him some progress pics and he couldn’t believe the strides I had made (he hadn’t seen me in a few months due to quarantine). My weight then was right around 180 lbs, my HS weight!!! I wasn’t all that impressed with the pics because deep down inside I still see the fat little kid, but he told me I should post them to social media. I reluctantly did so. The feed back I received was awesome. But still, I didn’t feel great about how I looked.

Fast forward to today... 8 months later and I weigh around 174 lbs (my lightest weight since middle school). I ended up going shopping to buy new jeans. That meant trying on new pants. My waist size went from a 35ish down to a 30! I still can’t believe it. For the first time in a long time I truly realize that the hard work I’ve been putting in has paid off.

This is probably a somewhat unorganized story but I just needed to get this off my chest. Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/EpicOfGilgamosh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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