Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Is it normal to lose significantly more weight in the first few weeks of a caloric deficit?

I've been tracking my weight every wednesday morning since starting the deficit and training. I've weighed myself 3 times so far and every time I've recorded my weight I have appeared to have lost over 1kg per week, with 1.2kg being the lowest amount lost and 1.7kg (this one shocked me) being the most. I've been doing bodyweight workouts 3 times a week (r/bodyweightfitness recommended routine) and my rest days consist of either walking or short jump rope workouts. I'm feeling great so far, however, I am aware that the healthy range of weight loss per week is anywhere between 0.5-1kg per week.

I am a 166cm 22YO M, started at 72kg and have been eating in accordance with my recommended TDEE - 500 calories as suggested. That figure being ~1800 calories. Just for some background info, where I'm from, Victoria, Aus, has been through two lockdowns now. During the first lockdown I put on weight and ate carelessly and stopped training consistently. Now that the second lockdown is upon us I've decided to eat clean and workout in hopes of lowering my bf %. Should I be concerned with this weekly progress so far or is it just due to a sudden change in eating and exercise levels?

submitted by /u/kngsp1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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