Sunday, August 16, 2020

It’s All About Perspective & Thank You!

Between this sub, and all the CICO subs I follow, my perspective on weight loss has improved immensely! SW: 235 ish, was pregnant so not sure that counts. CW: 208 GW: 175-180.

  1. Thank you to those who have posted realizations of habits of “skinny/healthy” friends. These posts helped me realize that my relationship and perception of food were off balance.

  2. Thank you to all the support posts from people encouraging patience in this process. It’s about the long haul and healthy habits, not just an immediate weight loss.

  3. Thank you to the brave people who post their successes AND downfalls. We all have ups and downs, and this has helped me beat myself up less about the bad days.

I’m 3 months postpartum today, as a FTM. I was my heaviest ever when I got pregnant and then gained about 35–40 lbs during pregnancy. In the first month, I lost about 20 of that.

After that 1st month, progress has been much slower. I was about 217 in June. I don’t strictly do CICO, as far as tracking, but that’s generally the weight loss avenue I use.

Weight loss is ANNOYING. One week I’ll have lowest weight of say 212, then my weight will go up a few pounds, then the next week I’m down to 211 or 210. This has been my process. Seeing the lowest, going back up, then seeing a slightly lower number the next week.

It requires so much patience, but these subs have helped me understand that this is normal. Going up and down, it being a slow process, and just keeping faith it will pay off.

So THANK YOU ALL. And I wish you the best in your journey of losing and getting healthier!

submitted by /u/amwilli011
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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